Fluree Launches JavaScript Library, Delivering Blockchain-Backed Data Directly to Front-End Apps

  • As the lines separating the development stack blur, Fluree brings the benefits of its immutable graph database directly to front-end development with its native JavaScript library
  • Removes the overwhelming complexity of retrieving data in today’s legacy, microservice and API-driven architectures
  • Enables developers to deliver blockchain-secured data to applications at unprecedented speed; opens path to real-time applications with no-fetch queries
  • Paired with Fluree-React and native GraphQL support, developers can wrap UI components directly with nested graph queries for automatic re-renders


WINSTON-SALEM, N.C.--()--Fluree, a North Carolina-headquartered startup that provides a data-first technology stack, has announced the release of the Fluree JavaScript Library, a feature included in Fluree V0.13.0 that enables developers to launch a version of Fluree as an in-memory, code-resident data source for front-end applications, enabling sub-millisecond data delivery.

“Developers are at the choke point between legacy infrastructures and the blockchain-driven apps of the future,” said Brian Platz, co-founder and co-CEO of Fluree. “Layers of data retrieval result in unreliable data, buggy apps, security vulnerabilities and excessive overhead. By removing the need for these extra layers, Fluree JavaScript Library enables lightning-fast query responses and opens up a path to real-time applications with no additional overhead.”

Between its immutable ledger for data changes, SmartFunctions for programmatic control over data upgrades and reads and the new JavaScript Library, Fluree continues to revolutionize a data-management industry that has been static for 40 years. The old development stack, where one app sits on one database, will not scale into the data-centric future, where companies will build lightweight applications atop semantic, blockchain-secured data sources for optimal decision making.

The Fluree JavaScript Library continues to propel app development into the future by removing the need for queries to run through an API or discovery layer. This facilitates a list of benefits necessary to build the graph- and blockchain-driven app of tomorrow:

  • Build apps that are less buggy with reliable data
  • Leverage real-time data subscriptions with no-fetch code
  • Automatically secure front-end apps (data-centric security)
  • Increase server availability with more resilient CDN
  • Decrease time-to-deploy and save on developer overhead
  • Reduce development overhead by bypassing layers of data retrieval

About Fluree

Fluree emphasizes data integrity, facilitates secure data sharing, and powers rich data insights – all in one pluggable Web3 stack. Founded in 2016 by Brian Platz and Flip Filipowski, Fluree PBC is headquartered in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. For more information, follow Fluree on Twitter or LinkedIn, or visit flur.ee.


Michael Kellner