Black Bear Transmission Places Ozark Supply Access Project In-Service

HOUSTON--()--Black Bear Transmission LLC (“Black Bear Transmission”) is pleased to announce its subsidiary Ozark Gas Transmission (“Ozark Transmission”) placed its Supply Access Project (the “Project”) in-service on April 8, 2024.

The Project consists of: (i) 2 miles of natural gas loop pipeline; (ii) a new compressor station and two new pipeline interconnects. The Project was undertaken to enhance gas supply reliability for Ozark shippers in response to disruptions experienced during Winter Storm Uri in February 2021. These additional facilities will create access to new supply interconnections with major interstate pipelines from the east end of the Ozark Transmission system.

Ozark Transmission’s three largest customers, Arkansas Oklahoma Gas (AOG), Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation (AECC), and Black Hills Energy signed long-term transportation agreements to support the Project.

“AOG is excited to benefit from Black Bear Transmission’s Ozark pipeline project,” said J.T. Toys, Senior Director of Gas Supply & Transportation for AOG. “The completion of this project supports AOG’s mission to provide safe and reliable natural gas service to homes and businesses for our customers. AOG will now have expanded access to natural gas infrastructure, elevating the reliability of our service and helping to stabilize natural gas prices. Projects like this only occur when industry stakeholders collaborate and prioritize customer satisfaction with the goal of achieving the best results for our consumers.”

“AECC appreciates the increased flexibility with supply options and improved reliability the completion of the project is expected to bring for delivering natural gas to two of its power plants,” added Andrew Lachowsky, AECC’s VP of Market Operations.

Black Hills offered the following statement: “Black Hills Energy is grateful for the business partnership with Ozark Transmission/Black Bear in finding solutions to address our goals of securing safe and reliable natural gas solutions for our customers.”

“This is one of the many examples of how we work with our customers to identify and implement solutions that ensure reliable service to the communities and facilities they serve,” said Scott Langston, Senior Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer for Black Bear. “We are proud to complete this effort.”

“This was a fantastic win for both our team and our Ozark Transmission customers,” added Rene Casadaban, Chief Executive Officer of Black Bear. “This project highlights Black Bear Transmission’s ability to utilize its existing pipeline infrastructure network to enhance services to customers while minimizing environmental impact. I am pleased with the successful execution of this project through the contracting, permitting, regulatory, and construction phases and would like to thank everyone involved for their contributions.”

About Black Bear

Black Bear Transmission, LLC is a Basalt portfolio company that transports and delivers natural gas from various pipeline receipt points to utility, power generation and industrial customers in the Southeast United States. Black Bear owns and operates 12 regulated natural gas pipelines stretching approximately 1,800 miles with total delivery capacity of more than 2.6 Bcf per day. The pipelines are connected to 18 major long-haul pipelines ensuring reliable gas supply to customers across Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma and Tennessee. Black Bear Transmission LLC is headquartered in Houston, TX.

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About Basalt

Basalt is the investment advisor to infrastructure equity investment funds focusing on mid-market investments in utilities, power, transport, and communications infrastructure in North America and Europe. Current investments in North America by funds advised by Basalt include Black Bear Transmission, Habitat Solar, Xpress Natural Gas, Skyway Towers, Helios Power, Fatbeam, and Fortbrand.

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Rene Casadaban

Release Summary

Black Bear announced its subsidiary, Ozark Transmission, enhanced gas supply reliability by placing its Supply Access Project in-service on April 8.


Rene Casadaban