DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Susan G. Komen®, the Milburn Foundation, and the Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) Research Foundation have again shown their partnership to be an impactful and powerful force against inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) – an aggressive subtype of the disease that is hard to diagnose and treat. Together, in just 31 days, the organizations raised more than $635,000 for research aimed at finding innovative new approaches to diagnosing and treating IBC and other Komen programs.
During the month of March, Milburn and IBC Research Foundation matched all donations to Komen up to a predetermined amount with a goal to raise $250,000 in funds specifically for research into IBC. This form of breast cancer is particularly dangerous because it’s hard to spot on a mammogram, doesn’t usually present with a lump, is easy to misdiagnose, and spreads quickly. Further, about 30 percent of women diagnosed with IBC will learn that their cancer has already spread, or metastasized, to other parts of the body and is incurable.
“While we’ve made significant progress against breast cancer, more than 41,000 lives are lost each year in the U.S. to metastatic breast cancer, and that’s unacceptable,” said Paula Schneider, President and CEO at Susan G. Komen. “We’ll reduce that number and save lives when we figure out how to stop aggressive breast cancers like IBC. Through this successful partnership with Milburn and IBC Research Foundation, we are making an even greater impact together than we ever could alone.”
The organizations are also setting milestones for the next three years of continued partnership as they work to identify the most critical questions in IBC and IBC research, and continue to seek out and fund innovative IBC research.
“This partnership illustrates our continued leadership in funding critical IBC research,” said Bryon Davis, President of the Milburn Foundation. “The impressive results of this campaign will help us reach key milestones in support of this initiative. Together, we are curating exceptional teams, defining a path forward and ensuring adequate financial support that will have bold and positive implications in the fight against IBC and support Susan G. Komen’s Bold Goal.”
“Patient advocacy is about taking an active role in defining the critical conversations that will drive accelerated results,” said Ginny Mason, Executive Director of the IBC Research Foundation. “In our 19 years of work in IBC patient advocacy, this partnership with Susan G Komen and Milburn is special given the way the team works together so creatively to push key conversations forward. This year’s campaign success will result in benefits for the IBC community and more, as critical research innovation is realized.”
The partnership between the three organizations has now raised more than $1.59 million to date, thanks to two earlier matching gift campaigns in 2016 and 2017. Funds raised have made it possible to invest in breakthrough research, including studies in IBC, aggressive and metastatic breast cancers, and is critical to achieving Komen’s Bold Goal to reduce U.S. breast cancer deaths by 50 percent by 2026.
About Susan G. Komen®
Susan G. Komen is the world’s largest breast cancer organization, funding more breast cancer research than any other nonprofit outside of the federal government while providing real-time help to those facing the disease. Komen has set a Bold Goal to reduce the current number of breast cancer deaths by 50 percent in the U.S. by 2026. Since its founding in 1982, Komen has funded more than $956 million in research and provided more than $2.1 billion in funding to screening, education, treatment and psychosocial support programs, serving millions of people in 60 countries worldwide. Komen was founded by Nancy G. Brinker, who promised her sister, Susan G. Komen, that she would end the disease that claimed Suzy’s life. That promise has become Komen’s promise to all people facing breast cancer. Visit komen.org or call 1-877 GO KOMEN. Connect with us on social at ww5.komen.org/social.
About The Milburn Foundation
The Milburn Foundation is a private foundation that structures creative strategic partnerships with both public charities and for profit companies to drive philanthropic innovation for breast cancer research and more. The Milburn Foundation was born out of a father’s love for his daughter when she was diagnosed with Triple Negative Inflammatory Breast Cancer. Milburn is the proud recipient of the 2016 Susan G. Komen Reach Award (for fundraising innovation). Organizations interested in inventive Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Venture Philanthropy, Impact Investing or Activist Philanthropy initiatives should contact us to learn more about how our donations can be coupled with a strategic partners’ objectives to amplify impact. Find out more or contact us by visiting TheMilburnFoundation.org.
About IBC Research Foundation
Since 1999 the Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research Foundation (IBCRF) has been leading the way in improving the lives of those touched by inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) through the power of action and advocacy. This is accomplished by tenaciously fostering innovative research, creatively educating stakeholders, and tirelessly advocating for both current patients and IBC survivors.
As a web-based non-profit, IBCRF relies on its dedicated volunteers across the country. Guided by the Medical Advisory Board, a group of extraordinary oncology professionals, IBCRF has funded patient-focused IBC research resulting in new discoveries as well as clinical trials. Learn more at www.ibcresearch.org or call 1-877-stop ibc. On social media? Join us on Facebook and Twitter (@IBCResearch).