New England College of Business Marks Its 109th Commencement with a Call to Make Change

Former Attorney General Scott Harshbarger, NECB President Howard Horton, Top Economist, David Woo and Renowned Author and Entrepreneur Diane Hessan Celebrated NECB Graduates and Urged Graduates to Be Constructive Contributors to Today’s Society

Former Attorney General and Current Chairman of the NECB Board of Trustees, Scott Harshbarger (left) and NECB Provost, Debra Leahy (right) confer an honorary "Doctor of Commerce" degree on Dr. David Woo (middle). Dr. Woo is one of the world's leading economists and was also the day's keynote speaker, emphasizing to the graduates the power which each of them now wields. (Photo: Business Wire)

BOSTON--()--The future was clearly in focus on Saturday as New England College of Business (NECB) conferred 359 undergraduate and graduate degrees at the Back Bay Events Center in Boston. Commencement speaker, Dr. David Woo, Distinguished Honors Award recipient, Diane Hessan, Former Attorney General and Current Chairman of the NECB Board of Trustees, Scott Harshbarger, and College President Howard Horton, all urged graduates to seize opportunities presented by accelerating positive change in business and society.

Dr. David Woo, top researcher at Bank of America Merrill Lynch and considered one of the world’s leading economists and financial experts, shared with the graduates several pieces of “good news” and emphasized the power they wield: “You are already the most influential generation in this county. You are reshaping every aspect of how we live in this country.” He noted, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is more important than IQ and will make “you a better manager, better team player and ultimately a better person.”

President Howard Horton spoke of team accomplishments resulting during some of the most unexpected and challenging circumstances. Leaders recognize the need to compromise for the greater good, especially today where there is an enriched environment of diverse perspectives, opinions, backgrounds, and ideals. “Graduates, come together with those around you to achieve your common goals, compromise in service of the greater good but always stand firm on your principles,” said President Horton. “Not an easy game but one for which you are now very well-equipped.”

During the ceremony, NECB also presented its Distinguished Honors Award for community service to Diane Hessan, Boston-based entrepreneur, author, and founder of C Space. Hessan, who is considered an innovator in technology, education, and business leadership, reminded graduates that, “Earning a degree requires a huge commitment, the motivation to achieve something in life -- and a desire to think about the greater good.”

Hessan challenged students to make a difference. “As you graduate from NECB and go out into the world, remember that no one does anything important by themselves. We are here and celebrating because we stood on the shoulders of others and now the question is ‘What will we do in return?’”

Rolando Rodriguez, the day’s second student commencement speaker, already knew at least part how his achievement would enable him to give back:

“What is your story?” he began, “That’s a question that can mold your future when you look at the endless possibilities. My story starts with a person who was scared to go back to school. Four years later, I’ve advanced my career and am now seen as a future leader within my organization. More importantly, I’ve set an example for my kids, for their futures, and they can be proud to say their father is a college graduate.”

NECB was established more than a century ago to address the educational needs of working professionals and, as such, is the oldest college in New England whose mission is centered on working adults. Its flexible and affordable programs have been ranked as “Best Online Programs” by US News and World Report and range from the associate to doctoral level in fields such as Human Resources, Finance, Healthcare Administration, and a MBA.

NECB offers employee student discounts, learning assessments, specialized training, and coursework. First responders, law enforcement, National Guard and active military members are eligible for a 40% tuition discount and prior learning credits towards NECB’s Quality Systems Management degree programs.

Learn more about NECB at

About New England College of Business (NECB)
New England College of Business (NECB), a private online college accredited by New England Association of Colleges (NEASC), has been educating business professionals for over 100 years. NECB’s program portfolio includes single courses, certificates, Associate’s, Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in core business disciplines. Its undergraduate and graduate degree programs are nationally awarded for program content and technological innovation, most recently by U.S. News & World Report 2018 for “Best Online Programs” including its Online Bachelor's Degrees, Online MBA, and Online Graduate Business Degrees.

NECB is affordable, with one of the lowest tuitions among all private four-year colleges in New England, as recognized by the U.S. Department of Education over the past 7 years. An additional 25% tuition discount is available to employees and immediate family members of NECB’s 300 Corporate Educational Partners. Learn more at


New England College of Business
Giselle Mahoney, 401-521-2700

Release Summary

Former AG Harshbarger, NECB President Horton, top economist, David Woo, and entrepreneur, Diane Hessan, urge NECB graduates to seize opportunities.


New England College of Business
Giselle Mahoney, 401-521-2700