Snore-Stopper and Silent Wake Up Prime Features of Brand New Sleep Cycle App for Apple Watch

Best-Selling Alarm Clock and Sleep-Tracking App Improves the Lives—and Relationships—of Snorers Everywhere With New Snore-Stopping Technology

GOTHENBURG, Sweden--()--According to internal data from makers of the best-selling Sleep Cycle alarm clock application, American adults spend about 29 billion minutes snoring each year while they are sleeping. Luckily for these people—and the partners who share beds with them—the company has announced a new snore-stop and silent wake up feature for Apple Watch users.

Using Sleep Cycle’s groundbreaking patented sound analysis technology, the app detects when users are snoring and wakes them up with a silent vibration, ensuring that they—and whomever they share a bed with—enjoy a snore-free sleep environment for the most restful night of sleep and easiest wake-up possible. The same silent wake up function can be used to wake users in the morning without waking their sleeping partners.

“Habitual snoring is not just a nuisance for sleep partners but is also extremely bad for quality of sleep,” said Carl Johan Hederoth, CEO of Sleep Cycle. “We created Sleep Cycle to help people get the best night of sleep possible every night, and this new snore-stop feature will make a huge difference in the lives of snorers—and the loved ones who share their beds.”

Silent Nights—and Mornings

The Sleep Cycle app, which is tethered to the user’s Apple Watch, uses the watch to tap users awake in the morning without waking up bed mates. The same function is activated when it detects snoring during the night, gently tapping the user on the wrist until they switch positions and begin breathing easier, allowing them—and anyone sharing their bed—to have the most restful sleep possible.

The new snore-stop feature relies on Sleep Cycle’s signature patented sound analysis algorithm, which not only detects when the user is snoring but also identifies and tracks movements in bed to distinguish different sleep phases. The algorithm utilizes the user’s smartphone microphone to listen to sounds of bed sheets moving, with a 30 cm (10 inch) accuracy, while identifying and filtering out all sounds that are not generated by the sleeping user.

New Feature, Same Great App

At the core of the Sleep Cycle alarm clock app are two different technology patents. The first allows the app to identify the most advantageous moment for a sleeping person to be awakened in a given interval of time, and the second allows the app to track sleep using sound. The app then analyzes users’ sleep, records findings and wakes them during their lightest sleep phase using a predefined 30-minute alarm window.

In addition to the new silent wake up and snore-stop features available to Apple Watch users, users of the classic Sleep Cycle app for both iPhone and Android get:

  • Detailed sleep statistics and sleep graphs for every night
  • Long-term graphs to track sleep quality over time, so users can see which days of the week they sleep best
  • Sleep notes to track how events such as drinking coffee, eating too much or having a stressful day affect sleep quality
  • Customizable wake-up window—from instant to 90 minutes
  • Customizable snooze settings
  • 15 carefully selected, high-quality alarm melodies and the option to choose music as the wake-up sound
  • Background mode so users can set a regular alarm while Sleep Cycle sleep analysis continues in the background

Sleep Cycle is the only app in both iOS and Google Play to offer these functionalities, the first ever to launch on iOS and the most popular intelligent alarm clock in the world.

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About Sleep Cycle

Sleep Cycle is an intelligent alarm clock app that analyzes users’ sleep, records findings, and wakes them during their lightest sleep phase so they feel rested and refreshed. The app generates nightly sleep reports, tracks long-term sleep trends and logs how daily activities impact sleep quality. The app uses patented sound analysis technology so that users don’t need to place their device in bed with them for the app to work. With more than a million users worldwide, Sleep Cycle is the best-selling and most popular alarm clock application on the market.


For Sleep Cycle
Hannah Ruark, 540-599-7887


For Sleep Cycle
Hannah Ruark, 540-599-7887