TEACH.org Launches “The Future Depends on Teachers,” a PSA Campaign for Our K-12 Schools

As we return to learning in person, it is important to reengage students with the exceptional teachers they deserve. TEACH.org is looking for those who want to make a difference in the lives of schoolchildren. (Photo: Business Wire)

SAN FRANCISCO--()--In partnership with the nation’s State Departments of Education, TEACH is pleased to announce “The Future Depends on Teachers,” a new PSA campaign for our K-12 schools. It celebrates the role teachers play in shaping our future and invites people to explore the teaching profession.

One year ago, the unthinkable happened: our nation shut down its schools. The pandemic hit our K-12 schools, students, and teachers hard. Despite incredible challenges, our teachers are innovating and rising to meet this new reality head-on. Our teachers are heroes, leaders, and experts. They are the foundation of our education system and a vital component to reopening schools and recovering from the pandemic. They are also crucial to developing the next generation who will shape our world.

In recognition of our teachers’ extraordinary accomplishments and the need for exceptional future teachers, this campaign both celebrates and affirms today’s educators and inspires young people to consider a career in teaching in time for Teacher Appreciation Week.

According to a seminal report from the Learning Policy Institute on the projected national teacher supply and demand, in 2020 teacher training programs were expected to graduate only 200,000 new teachers, more than 100,000 fewer than needed to fill our nation’s classrooms. This 33% shortfall represents a shortage of crisis proportions. These pre-pandemic predictions may present a rosier picture than reality, as pandemic-related resignations and early retirements from the profession are creating even greater need for more teachers.

“Teachers are essential to our nation’s recovery from the pandemic,” TEACH Executive Director Zachary Levine said. “The pandemic took a huge toll and worsened an already intense teacher shortage. Through it all, teachers have demonstrated their ingenuity, resilience, expertise, and leadership. We have so many stories of teachers innovating and shaping the future of education — yet these stories are not always told. This campaign elevates the role teachers are playing in the recovery and tells those stories — first via the PSA and continued through stories on the website.”

“The Future Depends on Teachers” is airing on TV and radio to inspire future teachers to explore the profession, celebrate the impact of current teachers, and elevate the teaching profession among the general public. The spots communicate teachers’ impact not only on students, but also on our broader society. They end with a call for viewers to explore teaching and leave a legacy they can be proud of.

State Departments of Education are promoting the PSA in their respective states. Viewers who visit www.teach.org will be automatically directed to a page about teaching in their states with state-relevant links and information about what it’s like to teach and how to become trained and certified to teach.

The PSA campaign was developed by TEACH with Sensis Agency, an-award winning multicultural advertising agency, with the generous financial support of Microsoft and several philanthropic foundations.


TEACH is an independent nonprofit founded by the U.S. Department of Education. Its mission is to elevate the image of the teaching profession, reduce the teacher shortage, especially in hard-to-staff subjects, and improve the quality and diversity of the new teacher supply. Teach.org is a one-stop shop of free, valuable tools, and resources to help anyone who is considering becoming a teacher.


Contact: Melissa Galloway, TEACH
Email: melissa@teach.org
Contact: Jennifer Cohen Kabaker, TEACH
Email: jkabaker@teach.org

Release Summary

TEACH.org will launch a campaign encouraging people to consider the rewarding career of teaching. Teachers have been heroic during the pandemic.


Contact: Melissa Galloway, TEACH
Email: melissa@teach.org
Contact: Jennifer Cohen Kabaker, TEACH
Email: jkabaker@teach.org