EVI and UPS Announce the Purchase of 100 Zero-Emission, All-Electric, Delivery Vehicles

EVI class 6, all electric walk-in delivery vehicle. (Photo: Business Wire)

STOCKTON, Calif.--()--Electric Vehicles International (EVI) announced that UPS is purchasing 100 fully electric commercial delivery vehicles for deployment in locations throughout California. This purchase marks the largest deployment of zero emission delivery vehicles in California, and one of the largest single deployments of commercial all-electric vehicles in the world.

EVI and UPS have been working for over two years on this project, including a successful 90-day demonstration in the fall of 2010. Through that demonstration, UPS used data collected to analyze the vehicle return on investment. Early next year 100 class 6 walk-in delivery trucks with a 90-mile range will be placed in service to help clean California air in the South Coast Air Basin, San Joaquin Valley, and the Sacramento Valley.

EVI vehicles reduce fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and noise pollution when compared to conventional vehicles. Once deployed, the vehicles will eliminate 126,000 gallons of fuel annually and will provide zero mobile source emissions.

“We are proud to provide 100 California-made vehicles to UPS beginning in January. UPS is an industry leader in implementing alterative fuel vehicles into their fleet, and we are excited to partner with them on this deployment. EVI would also like to thank the California Air Resources Board, the California Energy Commission, South Coast AQMD, San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, Sacramento AQMD, and the US EPA for their support and incentive funding. This purchase order will create dozens of new clean-tech jobs here in California,” stated Ricky Hanna, CEO of EVI.

“Today’s announcement of the deployment of 100 all-electric delivery vehicles introduces the cleanest, most efficient electric vehicles to our fleet, allowing us to continue to improve the environments we operate in and reduce our dependence on imported energy. EVI’s vehicle met our requirements in the test phase. Now we will operate these vehicles in the real world and help establish the future viability of this technology. EVI is aggressive at identifying and utilizing incentive funding to assist customers with fleet modernization deployments,” said Mike Britt, Director of Maintenance & Engineering for UPS.

EVI would like to thank Governor Jerry Brown for his leadership in advancing California’s electric vehicle industry. In addition, EVI thanks the following agencies for their support: the Governor’s Office of Economic Development, California Air Resources Board, California Energy Commission, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, South Coast Air Quality Management District, San Joaquin Air Pollution Control District, and Sacramento Air Quality Management District.

Partners in Creating Green Jobs and Cleaning the Air in California:

Governor Jerry Brown:
“This innovative partnership is proof positive that California businesses can boost their bottom line, put Californians to work and chip away at our environmental challenges,” said Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Governor’s Office of Economic Development:
“Our office is proud to be part of the hardworking team that helped EVI and UPS bring this project to reality and we look forward to continuing to work with EVI as they grow into a world leader in electric vehicle manufacturing,” said Joel Ayala, Director of the Governor’s Office of Economic Development.

California Air Resources Board:
“California’s hybrid-vehicle incentive program is helping put more of the very cleanest short-haul delivery trucks onto the roads and into the communities where they are most needed,” said Air Resources Board Chairman Mary D. Nichols. “EVI and UPS are to be commended for choosing fully electric trucks, putting them at the forefront of the clean energy solution.”

California Energy Commission:
"EVI’s sale of 100 electric trucks to UPS shows that California is competitive in manufacturing the next generation of electric cars and trucks," said Energy Commission Vice Chair James Boyd. "This purchase is clearly a win-win-win. It pumps up our state’s economy, bolsters clean, green transportation efforts, and improves public health by reducing air pollution. With an investment from the Energy Commission's Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology program, EVI is establishing a new manufacturing facility in Stockton and providing much-needed jobs and sales revenue to the Central Valley," Boyd added.

San Joaquin Air Pollution Control District:
“The integration of electric vehicles into commercial fleets in the Valley is an important aspect of the overall strategy to cleaner air,” said Seyed Sadredin, executive director and air pollution control officer of the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District. “The Valley has been overlooked for these types of programs in the past and is eager to see the resulting improvements in air quality associated with this program.”

South Coast Air Quality Management District:
We are pleased UPS is accelerating the use of zero-emission electric delivery trucks and helping protect the health of residents in neighborhoods where deliveries are made,” said Barry Wallerstein, executive officer for the South Coast Air Quality Management District.

US Environmental Protection Agency:
"The EPA applauds the leadership of UPS in deploying these delivery trucks and encourages the deployment of more zero-emission vehicles, which are needed to further improve California's air quality," said Deborah Jordan, Director of the Air Division for EPA's Pacific Southwest Region.

About EVI: EVI is a pioneer in alternative energy vehicle development, manufacturing and deployment, with over 20 years of success optimizing alternative energy powertrains. Our vehicles are manufactured with the most efficient powertrains and the safest, longest-lasting batteries, seamlessly integrated into tough American-built chassis relied upon by fleet operators throughout the nation and the world. To participate in a vehicle demonstration, please visit our website at www.evi-usa.com or call (877) 271-9765.

Photos/Multimedia Gallery Available: http://www.businesswire.com/cgi-bin/mmg.cgi?eid=6840057&lang=en


Erika Thomas, 209-507-7533


Erika Thomas, 209-507-7533