Allegheny County Voters Concerned About Crime in DA and County Executive Race, Says New Poll By SURVIVOR PAC

PITTSBURGH--()--SURVIVOR PAC, the political action committee recently launched by Miss Pittsburgh Madison Campbell with the mission of advocating for survivors of sexual assault and other violent crimes, has released the results of a new poll by Embold Research showcasing a snapshot of priorities for voters in Allegheny County.

The poll, conducted from October 21-23 with a sample of 860 likely voters and a margin of error of 3.5%, asked respondents of their intentions in the November 7th election for countywide offices, along with what priorities candidates for office would have to hold to gain their support.

In the races for County Executive and District Attorney, candidates are neck-in-neck. In the former, Sara Innamorato, the Democrat, has a 3-point lead against Republican candidate Joseph Rockey. In the latter, Republican Stephen Zappala leads Democrat Matt Dugan by just 1 point.

The survey also asked voters how concerned they were about various types of crime, and how much more likely they would be to support candidates who made advocating for victims of violent crime a priority.

79% of voters were found to be concerned about sexually violent crimes, while 81% expressed concern regarding hate crimes. 87% of voters overall expressed concern regarding other forms of violent crime.

The survey also found that over four-in-five (82%) of voters have a strong preference for candidates who support survivors of rape and sexual assault, including reducing barriers to reporting and holding perpetrators accountable.

“The numbers are clear, Pittsburgh voters want elected officials who will use their platform to advocate for survivors and victims of crime,” said SURVIVOR PAC founder and Pittsburgh native Madison Campbell. “It’s our hope that those running for office listen to the needs of their potential constituents and take up that fight.”

The survey also found that an identical proportion of voters were concerned for the safety of Jewish Americans living within the county, with 82% expressing concern given the recent events across Israel/Gaza. This coincides with 81% of respondents asserting that they were more likely to support candidates who advocated for victims of hate crimes.


Madison Campbell - Madison Campbell is the co-founder and CEO of Leda Health, an organization dedicated to revolutionizing the way that sexual assault is handled on a holistic scale. A Pittsburgh native and 2023 United States of America Miss Pittsburgh, Campbell created at-home sexual assault kits in 2019 to provide an alternative to survivors who felt uncomfortable or unsafe reporting to the police or a hospital.

Leda Health has since grown to become a company that not only works in the space of forensic collection, but also to provide emergency contraception, STI testing, toxicology testing, and educational programming for universities, businesses, and governments nationwide.

Under Madison’s leadership, she and Leda Health have accumulated numerous awards - including Forbes 30 under 30, the CES 2022 Innovation Award, and the INC 5000 Best in Business List.


SURVIVOR PAC, led by its founder Madison Campbell, is committed to supporting candidates and policies guided by four core principles. These include holding perpetrators accountable for their actions, advocating for innovative technologies to aid crime victims, prioritizing the rights and needs of sexual assault survivors, and standing against hate crimes targeting communities silenced by mainstream culture, academia and media.


Kelly Clarke (603) 953-6050


Kelly Clarke (603) 953-6050