Local Veterans Share Their Experiences Serving Their Country at Chicago’s Vets Town Hall

CHICAGO--()--On Wednesday, October 25 from 10AM-12PM, all community members are invited to Chicago’s first ever Vets Town Hall at the Pritzker Military Museum & Library’s MML Auditorium, 104 South Michigan Avenue. At a Vets Town Hall event, veterans of any era who served in any capacity have the right to stand before their community and speak for up to ten minutes about what it was like to serve their country.

This unique event is designed to help everyone have a better understanding of the emotional individual journeys our veterans have taken and the immense value they represent to our community. As of 2020, there were 1.3 million active-duty military personnel, or less than one-half of 1 percent of the US population.

The Town Hall will be followed by an opportunity for all attendees to make essential community connections. This event is non-political, and all perspectives are valued. There will not be a question-and-answer period nor debate on American foreign policy.

“This event holds an extra special meaning for me, as I get to help bring the Vets Town Hall movement to our city of Chicago and see the impact come full circle from inspiration to tangible positive impact on a community I care very deeply about,” said Justin Miller, Director of Development, Chicago Veterans.

A wide range of Chicago-based veterans are expected to speak, ranging from career military to those from the Iraq/Afghanistan conflicts, as well as those who recently completed their service.

Also in attendance will be Sebastian Junger, founder of Vets Town Hall, and the bestselling author of War, about American soldiers in Afghanistan’s infamous Korengal Valley, as well as Tribe, about their struggles adjusting to life back home.

The Vets Town Hall is free to attend, support services will be available, and snacks provided. Veterans who would like to speak can indicate that when registering. Time permitting, veterans are also welcome to sign up to speak during the event itself. RSVPs and questions may be directed to Justin Miller at justin.miller@chicagovets.org

What: Vets Town Hall: a community forum aiming to increase communication and understanding between local veterans and the community at large
When: Wednesday, October 25 from 10AM-12PM
Where: Pritzker Military Museum, 104 S, Michigan Avenue, Chicago
More Info: https://chivth2023.eventbrite.com/
About the national Vets Town Hall initiative: www.vetstownhall.org


Lisa Kovitz, Edelman
(917) 992-7683

Justin Miller, Chicago Veterans
(312) 521-0068


Lisa Kovitz, Edelman
(917) 992-7683

Justin Miller, Chicago Veterans
(312) 521-0068