La diciottesima edizione di Fujio Cup Quiz vinta da Kasturba Medical College, India al meeting internazionale sulle cellule staminali NCRM NICHE 2023.

La cerimonia di conferimento dell'Edogawa NICHE Prize in onore del Dr. Craig Venter si terrà a Toronto, Canada.

Bringing together, all stakeholders involved in research on physical, chemical, and biological realms, biomaterials, and tissue engineering systems to develop novel solutions in regenerative medicine has been the major goal and accomplishment of NCRM NICHE, in the past 18 years. Winners and finalists of Fujio Cup Quiz (FCQ), the “FCQ Elites” are qualified to nominate the candidates for the Edogawa NICHE Prize. The inaugural prize in 2018 was awarded to Prof. James E. Till for discovery of stem cells, jointly with Prof. Ernest McCulloch. 2019 prize was awarded to Dr. Steven A. Rosenberg, for his pioneering work in adoptive immunotherapies and in 2020 to Dr. John Craig Venter for his research in synthetic biology and the human genome. NCRM NICHE team is progressing in research on implications of microgravity, synthetic chemical concoctions, and biological response modifiers, on cellular senescence and immune modulation to develop solutions, especially for rare diseases and unmet needs. (Graphic: Business Wire)

TOKYO--()--Harshavardhan Sai Sadineni e Srived Meda di Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, India, hanno vinto il XVIII Fujio Cup Quiz (FCQ) per le cellule staminali e la Medicina rigenerativa (RM) al NCRM NICHE 2023; lo Sri Ramachandra Institute for Higher Education and Research, India e l'Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia sono emersi come candidati e si sono uniti al team delle eccellenze FCQ, un privilegio accordato a quanti raggiungono l'ultima fase della gara internazionale multilivello, compreso un quiz in RM, qualificandosi pertanto alla nomina di uno o più candidati all'Edogawa NICHE Prize, istituito nel 2018.

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Samuel JK Abraham


Samuel JK Abraham