Californians Against Retail And Residential Theft Blast Attorney General’s Approach To Retail Theft

State’s Top Cop Leaves Law Enforcement Out Of Response To Theft Epidemic

SACRAMENTO, Calif.--()--Californians Against Retail and Residential Theft (CARRT) issued the following statement following the Attorney General's announcement addressing retail theft.

"Today, the Attorney General's approach to addressing retail theft does not address the root cause.

"His approach puts the onus on store owners and online marketplaces to follow a series of guidelines. However, nowhere does it mention law enforcement efforts.

"The Attorney General is the state's top law enforcement officer and has left law enforcement out of the solution.

“Where is the push for more law enforcement resources to address this growing problem? Where is the call for more cops on the streets and greater punishment and rehabilitation programs for criminals?

“Instead, he is treating this like a victimless crime. These are not victimless crimes. Retail theft puts business owners', customers', and employees' personal safety at risk.

"When will the Attorney General and the state take this problem seriously and realize that theft is growing faster than sales?"

CARRT is a broad-based coalition calling for needed changes in California's criminal justice system. CARRT is pushing to undo the damage done by Proposition 47 and put an end to retail and residential theft on Main Street and in our neighborhood streets.

CARRT's coalition members include local Chambers of Commerce, California Asian Pacific Chamber of Commerce, California Autobody Association, California Business Properties Association, California Business Roundtable, California Chamber of Commerce, California Delivery Association, California Grocers Association, California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce and California Small Business Association. To get more information on CARRT, please visit our website at


Matt Ross
(916) 206-9818


Matt Ross
(916) 206-9818