Important Notice to Shareholders of Xtrackers II


Xtrackers II

Investment Company with Variable Capital

Registered office: 49, avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg

R.C.S. Luxembourg B-124.284

(the "Company")


Xtrackers II USD Emerging Markets Bond UCITS ETF (ISIN: LU1920015440 and LU0677077884)

(the “Sub-Fund”)

23 May 2023

We refer to the notice published on 16 January 2023 informing Shareholders that the board of directors of the Company (the “Board of Directors”) had decided to proceed with a split of the shares of a certain share class of the Sub-Fund (the “Share Split”).

Following further analysis of the Share Split by the Management Company, with the support of a range of stakeholders and experts, the Board of Directors has come to the conclusion that the Share Split is no longer in the best interests of Shareholders, considering the operational risks that implementation of the Share Split would entail compared to the diminishing expected benefits. Therefore, Shareholders are hereby informed that the Board of Directors has decided not to proceed with the Share Split.

Capitalised terms not defined herein shall have the meaning given to them in the most recent version of the prospectus of the Company (the “Prospectus”), unless the context otherwise requires.

General Information

This notice is for information purposes only. Shareholders are not required to take any action.

Shareholders who have any queries or to whom any of the above is not clear should seek advice from their stockbroker, bank manager, legal adviser, accountant or other independent financial advisor.

Further information in relation to the information set out herein may be obtained from the legal entities mentioned under Contact information below, the offices of foreign representatives or by sending an email to

Neither the contents of the Company’s website nor the contents of any other website accessible from hyperlinks on the Company’s website is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.

Xtrackers II

The Board of Directors

Contact information

Xtrackers II

49, avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

DWS Investment S.A.

2, boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L-1115 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Category Code: MSCM
Sequence Number: 1101605
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20230522T173542+0100


Xtrackers II


Xtrackers II