Institute of Bioenergetics Hosts First Industry Summit - Focus on Cutting-Edge Therapies and Patient Success Stories

Top doctors, researchers, and entrepreneurs meet to discuss the cutting-edge bioenergetic health technologies leading to accelerated healing and propitious outcomes

PARK CITY, Utah--()--The Institute of Bioenergetics hosted its first bioenergetics industry summit in Park City, Utah. The two-day event attracted more than 50 bioenergetic health leaders, researchers, doctors, and companies including Energy4Life, Ammortal, NES Health, and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. Participants discussed upcoming research, new technologies, and the future collaborations that will introduce bioenergetics to people in need.

“Bioenergetic medicine is the next evolution in healthcare that is transforming patient healing in ways we’ve never seen,” said Dr. Jeremy Stich MD, and Chief Medical Officer for the Institute of Bioenergetics.

“As an allopathic doctor, I was trained to practice medicine with medication and surgeries. At first, I was cautious of bioenergetics because it addresses the energy system of the body. At the time, I could not measure or clearly explain why it worked. However, I could not ignore the incredible results my patients experienced once adding bioenergetic medicine to their treatments,” continued Dr. Stich.

Participants attending the summit shared patient and customer stories about how bioenergetics has helped them on their healing journeys. One story came from Jessica Ballesteros, who used bioenergetic treatments from Dr. Stich to reverse her cervical cancer diagnosis.

As Ballesteros explained, “I was diagnosed with cervical cancer that had metastasized to my lungs and lymph nodes. Chemo and radiation treatments were unsuccessful and conventional doctors could only offer me palliative care. I was planning for the end of my life, then I started bioenergetic treatments with Dr. Stich. After one treatment, I came off all pain medication. My neuropathy improved. My outlook on life improved. Months later, I am now cancer free. I have my life again and a future that I am planning. Bioenergetic medicine saved my life,” stated Ballesteros.

“The future of medicine is bioenergetics. Technology has finally caught up to what science and research has shown us for decades,” stated Dr. Greg Eckel, ND, LAc and Chief Medical Officer at the first Energy4Life Clinic in Park City, Utah. “Through various technologies and therapeutic practices, we’re adding quantum physics into clinical settings with patients. As a result, patients are healing faster and experiencing better-quality results with illnesses, including anxiety, depression, chronic neurodegeneration and cancer,” said Dr. Eckel.

Harry Massey, who started the Institute of Bioenergetics and is the founder of two bioenergetics companies, Energy4Life and NES Health, stated, “The Summit set the stage for how industry leaders plan to continue advancing bioenergetic medicine.”

“The future of medicine is bioenergetics and it is happening now,” said Massey. “Bioenergetics addresses the information and energy systems of the body, which ultimately controls how cellular communication works. The cutting-edge technologies and therapies being developed today communicate directly to the cell’s field-based communication system, which enables cellular repair & regeneration,” said Massey.

“When patients add bioenergetic treatments to their protocol, we see radically different outcomes. Their quality of life improves remarkably - experiencing more energy and better moods. We are even seeing the reverse of debilitating diseases in patients. Bioenergetics is already transforming people’s lives, and at the Institute we’re committed to getting these life-giving and life-saving treatments to everyone in need,” stated Massey.

For more information on the Institute of Bioenergetics, its research, and upcoming events, visit


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