The Reunion Institute Presents a Press Conference With Four Scholars on the Waco Branch Davidian Tragedy of 1993

HOUSTON--()--On Wednesday April 19 at 10 A.M. four scholars and a Branch Davidian survivor will hold a press conference at the Taylor Museum of Waco History regarding the 1993 events at the Mount Carmel Center, ten miles outside Waco, Texas, which resulted in the tragic deaths of four Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms agents and 82 Branch Davidians, including 22 children.

They will present information about the interactions of federal agents, news media, and Branch Davidians during the conflict, and how it could have been resolved peacefully. Each speaker will briefly present new insights, based on research, into the conflict between the Branch Davidians and federal agents (ATF and FBI). After their presentations, any and all questions will be taken from reporters. The one hour press conference will be held at the Taylor Museum of Waco History, 701 Jefferson Avenue, Waco, Texas 76701.

The speakers are: J. Phillip Arnold, Historian and Director of the Reunion Institute, Houston, Texas; James D. Tabor, retired Prof. of Ancient Judaism & Early Christianity, UNC-Charlotte; David Thibodeau, Branch Davidian survivor, author, and speaker; Catherine Wessinger, Prof. of the History of Religions, Loyola University New Orleans; Stuart A. Wright, Prof. of Sociology, Lamar University.

About Reunion Institute

Reunion Institute provides information about religion and philosophy, including the history of ideas, social justice and ethical issues. Founded in 1980 in Houston, Texas the Institute serves those individuals and organizations seeking to increase knowledge and understanding across cultures. Our services are provided at no charge. An example of our work is found in this film produced by the Reunion Institute: The Waco Branch Davidian Tragedy: What Have We Learned or Not Learned?,


Media Contact: Dr. James Phillip Arnold,, 713-540-8670


Media Contact: Dr. James Phillip Arnold,, 713-540-8670