Hurricane Electric Expands High Speed IP Transit with Point of Presence at SDN Communications in Sioux Falls

First Point of Presence in South Dakota fills out robust, high-speed connectivity to the U.S. Midwest Region

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. & FREMONT, Calif.--()--Hurricane Electric, the world’s largest IPv6-native Internet backbone, announced today that it has deployed a Point of Presence (PoP) in SDN Communications Sioux Falls. This PoP is located at 5300 N La Mesa Dr., Sioux Falls, SD.

The SDN Communications Sioux Falls data center opened in 2012 at 25,000 ft2 and a current construction project is doubling the data center’s square footage. It was originally designed as an emergency backup facility for SDN Communications’ 50,000 miles of fiber in eight states. The facility has 12-inch thick concrete walls designed to withstand an F4 tornado, with winds more than 200 mph.

This PoP is located to strategically serve customers in and around one of the fastest-growing cities in the Midwest. With secure access, including biometric and dual authentication access control, this data center has direct access to metro, state, and regional fiber networks.

Sioux Falls is home to businesses in the healthcare, manufacturing, distribution and logistics, and cyber and IT industries. And South Dakota is business friendly, with a favorable tax climate, and is one of the top five states for e-commerce. The area is home to a growing IT and cyber workforce, thanks in part to Dakota State University’s plans to invest in cyber research, graduating computer and cyber students, and building an applied research laboratory in Sioux Falls.

This PoP is Hurricane Electric’s first location in South Dakota and the 26th in the U.S. Midwest. It will provide enterprises in the region with improved fault tolerance, load balancing and congestion management in the delivery of next generation IP connectivity services.

“Adding Hurricane Electric’s first PoP to South Dakota is critical step in ensuring connectivity in this vibrant state and in the Midwest region,” said Mike Leber, President, Hurricane Electric. “We are excited to provide SDN Communications’ customers with additional options for high-speed global IP Transit.”

Customers of SDN Communications Sioux Falls now have a variety of new connectivity options and access to Hurricane Electric’s extensive IPv4 and IPv6 network through 100GE (100 Gigabit Ethernet), 10GE (10 Gigabit Ethernet) and GigE (1 Gigabit Ethernet) ports. Additionally, customers at the facility are able to exchange IP traffic with Hurricane Electric’s vast global network, which offers over 30,000 BGP sessions with over 10,000 different networks via more than 280 major exchange points and thousands of customer and private peering ports.

About Hurricane Electric
Hurricane Electric operates its own global IPv4 and IPv6 network and is considered the largest IPv6 backbone in the world. Within its global network, Hurricane Electric is connected to over 280 major exchange points and exchanges traffic directly with more than 10,000 different networks. Employing a resilient fiber-optic topology, Hurricane Electric has no less than five redundant 100G paths crossing North America, four separate 100G paths between the U.S. and Europe, and 100G rings in Europe and Asia. Hurricane also has a ring around Africa and a ring through Australia and New Zealand. Hurricane Electric offers IPv4 and IPv6 transit solutions over the same connection. Connection speeds available include 100GE (100 gigabits/second), 10GE, and gigabit ethernet. Additional information can be found at


Adam Waitkunas
Milldam Public Relations
(978) 828-8304


Adam Waitkunas
Milldam Public Relations
(978) 828-8304