Horizen Labs to ‘Divide and Conquer’ – New Companies Split Focus on Platform and Advisory Services

Restructuring frees divisions to excel in their respective areas – enterprise blockchain applications and advisory services – while jointly expanding their collective footprint in the Web3 market

AUSTIN, Texas--()--Horizen Labs today announced plans to make its Web3 advisory service a standalone business. The new entity, called ‘Horizen Labs Ventures’ or HLV, will leverage its deep industry knowledge to provide Web3 advisory services while Horizen Labs doubles down on its pursuit of enterprise application development opportunities.

The move sharpens the focus of the two organizations, centering each company on their core area of expertise while broadening their presence in the market.

“Over the past year, market momentum has propelled these two divisions in very distinct but complementary paths,” said Rob Viglione, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Horizen Labs. “By becoming two separate organizations, these teams can now concentrate purely on their respective areas of expertise while enjoying the mutual benefits of sister-company status, jointly pursuing and sharing opportunities where it makes sense.”

“Even in these market conditions, the steady increase in token-based opportunities has been highly encouraging for us and this new structure provides HLV the autonomy it needs to turbocharge its Web3 strategic advisory and investment efforts,” said Dean Steinbeck, Managing Director of the newly minted Horizen Labs Ventures. “We know our deep and shared history will bolster both organizations’ success in the years ahead, with Horizen Labs building groundbreaking enterprise products and HLV providing top-tier advisory services.”

Advisory Excellence – Horizen Labs Ventures
The stellar reputation earned by HLV from its numerous projects with Yuga Labs, Animoca Brands, and others, including the token launch of ApeCoin ($APE), the Otherdeeds land sale, and the upcoming launch of the ApeStaking platform, has solidified the company’s position as the premier provider of Web3 advisory services.

HLV’s advisory services cover the full spectrum of Web3 needs, including strategic advisory work, complex tokenomics modeling, white paper drafting, smart contract development, DAO creation, exchange listing coordination, and disciplined project management.

Enterprise Product Excellence – Horizen Labs
Horizen Labs will continue developing advanced blockchain solutions for enterprises and governments, leveraging both the Horizen blockchain as well as SNARK-related technology. And with its enterprise-grade Ethereum Virtual Machine sidechain nearing completion, the company is well-positioned to deliver solutions that transcend the chaos of the crypto market to deliver highly secure, usable, meaningful solutions that solve real problems in the real world.

With several notable stealth projects in development for both enterprises and governments, Horizen Labs is uncovering the critical use cases of tomorrow and positioning itself for a future where blockchain’s use is ubiquitous across a broad range of market segments. The company is also capitalizing on the down-market cycle through talent acquisition, adding to its A-list team of cryptographers, blockchain developers, and product experts.

About HLV
Horizen Labs Ventures is the premier advisory and investment firm built to push the boundaries of what’s possible in Web3. The firm delivers innovative solutions to complex Web3 challenges by advising on fungible token launches, NFT development, metaverse participation, DAO creation and sustainable DAO governance. Its clients include Yuga Labs, Animoca Brands, The Sandbox and numerous other Web3 participants. For more information, please visit www.hlv.xyz

About Horizen Labs
Horizen Labs is securing the world’s transition to Web3 by helping organizations reimagine the way they use blockchain to tackle some of their most important challenges. With a deep focus on enterprises and governments, Horizen Labs is building the secure and reliable offerings necessary to drive blockchain adoption into the mainstream.

Through a unique combination of platform capabilities, flexible architecture, sidechain compatibility, and enterprise-grade security, Horizen Labs is building the onramp for tomorrow by making blockchain safer and more accessible for Web2 organizations today. For more information, go to www.horizenlabs.io.


Kelly Ferraro


Kelly Ferraro