Pivotal Commware Lights Up mmWave Fixed Wireless Coverage in Houston

Pivotal Lowers Total Cost of Ownership, Accelerates Speed-to-Revenue for MNOs

HOUSTON--()--Pivotal Commware, global leader in 5G mmWave infrastructure products for the wireless edge, announces that Pivotal Turnkey is expanding 5G mmWave coverage for a Tier 1 mobile network operator (MNO) in Houston. Pivotal Turnkey provides an end-to-end solution using Pivotal’s mmWave product ecosystem.

Turnkey delivers potential fixed wireless access (FWA) subscribers to MNOs at lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) – 25% to 35% the cost of fiber – and lower time-to-revenue. WaveScape® network planning optimizes the placement of network elements -- Pivot 5G® and Echo 5G® -- for a given coverage objective. Pivots navigate mmWave signals around obstacles. Echos penetrate them indoors through window glass to deliver gigabit broadband speed. Intelligent Beam Management System (IBMS) manages and optimizes the repeater network layer.

“With Pivotal Turnkey, we can go into any city where an MNO has deployed mmWave 5G coverage for mobility services and use their pre-existing network elements, alongside ours, to light up new FWA services in a few months,” said Brian Deutsch, CEO of Pivotal Commware. “By providing the lowest total cost of ownership for the operator and accelerating their time-to-revenue, we go from FWA-zero to hero in just a few months.”

“We have worked in the trenches alongside our MNO partners for the past four years, and through the experience believe that no one understands mmWave’s unique challenges like Pivotal does,” said Jay Maciejewski, General Manager of Pivotal Turnkey Services. “Only Pivotal’s ecosystem of products and services can offer a solution that begins with proprietary modeling and ends with network launch. With Turnkey, our MNOs get five companies under one roof.”

5G FWA has been a runaway success for MNOs competing for their share of the $100 billion U.S. broadband market. As data demand continues to climb at a 40 percent compound annual growth rate, keeping subscribers happy will require the higher capacity found at mmWave frequencies, freeing up costly and scarce sub-6 GHz frequencies for mobile users.

Deutsch added, “At 500 GB/month, FWA subscribers consume 40X the data of mobile subscribers. Getting them onto the vast available spectrum at mmWave, at gigabit speeds, is a priority.”

To learn more and see a video of Pivotal Turnkey deployment in Houston, click here.

About Pivotal Commware, Inc.

Pivotal Commware develops communications platforms, systems and applications based on Holographic Beam Forming®. HBF antenna technology enables network operators to increase network speed, capacity, and spectral efficiency using the lowest cost, size, weight, and power consumption (C-SWaP) envelope available. Pivotal’s unique mmWave product ecosystem includes Echo 5G indoor subscriber and Pivot 5G outdoor network repeaters, and cloud based WaveScape™ network planning software and Intelligent Beam Management System (IBMS). The company is privately held and headquartered in Kirkland, Washington.


Global Results Communications
Lora Metzner / Valerie Christopherson



Global Results Communications
Lora Metzner / Valerie Christopherson