Young Wisconsin Widow Launches “Small Legacies” to Teach Financial Literacy to Kids

The new design for the Enduring Legacy Bank launched in October 2022. Each piggy bank can be personalized with a child's name engraved as seen here. In addition, parents can choose from a variety of front panel categories such as GIVE, TITHE, or TZEDAKAH. Each bank is fully customizable with 3 wood finishes and 3 font options to choose from. (Photo: Business Wire)

VERONA, Wis.--()--Small Legacies, a company born out of the question, “What legacy will you leave behind?”, has developed the Enduring Legacy Bank™ to teach financial literacy to kids. Legacy is something Amanda Bauer-Frisch had to think seriously about when she was unexpectedly widowed at age 30. Pregnant with her second child, Amanda was left alone with little guidance on how to navigate the financial mess of being widowed so young.

The mom of three struggled with money in her twenties: with student loans and credit card debt, she hadn’t been taught how to manage her finances at a young age. It was her husband, Adam, who taught Amanda how to secure financial stability by paying off debt and living within her means.

When Adam passed away from a genetic heart condition, Amanda was forced to manage their family’s finances on her own. She applied the skills she’d learned from Adam.

Knowing his legacy needed to be passed down to their sons, in 2020 Amanda set up shop in her garage and created a give-save-spend piggy bank to teach core financial principles to her sons. Not expecting much, she decided to sell her creation on Etsy as “Jake+Jack.” The wood-crafted, three-compartment kids’ banks sold quickly, reaching the top 3.5% grossing stores on Etsy.

Amanda spent 2022 expanding manufacturing capabilities, trademarking a newly designed Enduring Legacy Bank™ and re-branding her company as Small Legacies, LLC. Small Legacies re-launched in fall 2022 with a team of 7 employees and is now able to accommodate large scale distribution.

“I didn’t start off to make this into a business that would support our family, but that’s kind of the direction it’s taken, and it’s been really exciting,” Amanda said. She is grateful for their success, and proud to model entrepreneurship for their young kids.

“It’s been a dream fulfilled that I didn’t realize I had; being an entrepreneur, being a business owner. I was one of those people that never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up,” Amanda said. “I don’t have that problem anymore and I realized I was always meant to be a small business owner and entrepreneur.”

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Kendra Johnson


Kendra Johnson