The Reputational Shift of Italian American Stereotypes As Analyzed by the Italian American Reputation Lab (IARL)

Complete report presented October 29th 2022, at the National Italian American Foundation Gala Washington DC

F. Fasano and U. Mucci for We The Italians, R. Allegrini Niaf President, D. Ippolito and N. Vidali for Zwan and Reputation Research (Photo: Business Wire)

WASHINGTON--()--“The Italian American Reputation Lab is a research initiative launched to monitor and assess the reputation values of Italy and Italian Americans. IARL’s methodology is grounded on a series of objective analysis developed in machine learning through a patented Artificial Intelligent process. All the documents and data are formatted in 5 operational Drivers in relation to 5 specific Stakeholder groups”. Stated Davide Ippolito, IARL partner, and director of Reputation Research Inc.

As described in the 2022 Report, the reputation of Italian Americans in the world has improved by 38.3% in the last thirty years. In the USA media environment (traditional and social), the Italian Americans is the third Community for number of mentions and the first at European-descendance, even more than the German Americans and the Ireland Americans which both have twice the number of US citizens.

“If just until 30 years ago the major discussions on the Italian American themes were about mafia-culture and the underworld crime (also fed by the stereotypes created by the Film industry), today the perception of the Italian American community is changing. In fact, a constantly increasing number of high-level decision-making positions in the private and public spheres are held by Italian Americans, and the media environment is shifting its focus on more positive role models such as Lady Gaga and the Russo Brothers just to name a few,” said Umberto Mucci, IARL partner and “We the Italians” President

"We are honored to host during our annual event the presentation of the first report. This is a very interesting study on a relevant theme aimed to improve the relations between the USA and Italy while also providing structured information to companies looking at investing in America, which is also part of our mission,” stated Robert V. Allegrini, President of the National Italian American Foundation.

IARL is the brainchild of We the Italians, a media company dedicated to improving the knowledge and the relationship between Italy and the US, and Zwan a firm specialized in Reputation Assessment and Reputation Marketing Strategies, in collaboration of Reputation Research Inc. More information


Antonella Bartoli | | +39 339 756 0222


Antonella Bartoli | | +39 339 756 0222