AGM Statement


Borja Acha Besga
Secretary of the Board of Directors

Madrid, 14 October 2022


Pursuant to Article 227 of the Spanish Securities Market Act, Endesa, S.A. hereby reports the following information:

On 14 October 2022, the Board of Directors of Endesa, S.A. has resolved to convene an Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting to be held at Endesa's headquarters in Ribera del Loira nº 60, Madrid, on 17 November 2022, at 12:00, at single call, with the following agenda:

1. Submit to the General Shareholders' Meeting for approval, at the proposal of the Board of Directors, with the majority vote of the independent Directors and following a report prepared by the Audit and Compliance Committee on the fairness and reasonableness from the point of view of the Company and of shareholders other than the related party, the following five related-party transactions, in compliance with the provisions of articles 529 duovicies and 529 tervicies of the Corporate Enterprises Act:

1.1. The renewal of the joint management agreement for LNG carriers and of the contracts for the supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG) of US origin between Endesa Energía, S.A.U. and Enel Global Trading, S.p.A. for 2023 and their extension during 2022, for a total estimated amount of 210 million euros.

1.2. The purchase and sale of a maximum volume of two TWh of liquefied natural gas (LNG) between Enel Global Trading S.p.A and Endesa Energía, S.A.U. during 2023, for a total amount of approximately 290 million euros.

1.3. The acquisition of two liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers, approximately two TWh of gas, from Enel Generación Chile, S.A. by Endesa Energía, S.A.U., in 2024, for a total of approximately 121 million euros.

1.4. The formalisation of the following financial transactions, for a total amount of five billion euros:

a) Granting of a twelve-month line of credit by Enel Finance International N.V. (subsidiary of the Enel, S.p.A. Group) to Endesa, S.A. for a maximum amount of up to three billion euros.

b) Issuance of a guarantee by Enel, S.p.A. for bonds issued by Endesa Generación, S.A. (against a bank guarantee of Endesa, S.A.) for an amount of up to two billion euros, until 30 June 2023.

Both financial instruments shall be used by the Company to fulfil its obligations with third parties, arising from the operational regulations of national or international regulated gas and electricity markets in which it participates and other directly or indirectly related obligations.

1.5. Renewal of the provision of the wind turbine vibration analysis service by Enel Green Power España, S.L. to Enel Green Power, S.p.A. over a period of five years for an amount of five million euros.

2. Delegation to the Board of Directors of authority to execute and implement the resolutions adopted at the General Meeting, as well as to sub-delegate the powers that the General Meeting entrusts to the Board.

The meeting notice for the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting will be published in the coming days, under the terms provided by law.

Secretary to the Board of Directors

Category Code: AGM
Sequence Number: 1004854
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20221014T195936+0100


Endesa, S.A.


Endesa, S.A.