Catholic Equalizer Encourages Canadians to Accept Pope’s Apology, Reject Politics, to Foster Healing from Residential School Abuses

TORONTO--()--Toronto-based Catholic Equalizer is encouraging Indigenous Peoples of Canada harmed by the Residential Schools scandal to accept Pope Francis’ apology as the vital first step toward legitimate healing and to ignore the politically motivated voices calling for rejection of the Holy Father’s request for forgiveness.

“Residential School survivor pain is as real as the need for healing,” writes the Catholic Equalizer in a recently published editorial. “No apology or compensation will ever be enough to right the wrong. Only one solution will allow survivors and their families to move forward…and that solution is forgiveness.”

Forgiveness is the only path that will free Residential School survivors from their tragedy and enable them to rise above the politics that aim to enslave them, the group says.

Catholic Equalizer is a group of Canadians who chose Catholicism in adulthood. They rose to prominence last year by sponsoring a petition admonishing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s attempts to exploit the Residential Schools scandal for political advantage. Many of the 5,100 petition signers viewed his anti-religious rhetoric as a motivating factor in the burning or vandalizing of 70 Catholic churches for which Trudeau has yet to take responsibility and apologize.

“Forgiveness doesn’t mean that the wrong previously committed didn’t happen or that it wasn’t significant. Forgiveness is a means to release victims from the bondage of revenge, distrust and pain. Forgiveness is a means for a victim to become truly free, where the abuser no longer has power over them,” according to Catholic Equalizer.

For this reason, the group encourages Indigenous People – and all Canadians – to disregard the disingenuous rejections of the Pope’s apology and the demands for the Catholic Church to accept blame as an institution for the sins of the few. These sentiments amount to nothing more than naked attempts to hold the Indigenous People in perpetual victimhood as a means of diminishing the moral authority of the Church – for political gain by the progressive left, which seeks to position itself as the sole arbiter of what is right and wrong.

This cynical manipulation by Trudeau and his acolytes is trapping the Residential School survivors in political crossfire and must end immediately.

The full text of the Catholic Equalizer’s editorial may be found on Medium at


Robb Zee

Release Summary

Canadian Catholic group encourages acceptance of Pope's apology to Residential School survivors.


Robb Zee