Collecting Sensitive Data Without User Consent: 24 Leading Online Pharmacies From Nordic Countries Fail GDPR Requirements – Usercentrics Reports

Lack of Data Protection on EU Pharma Webshops: The majority of websites do not operate in a privacy-compliant manner - analysis by Usercentrics shows. (Graphic: Business Wire)

MUNICH--()--Analysis by Usercentrics shows: Over 80% of scanned domains from Denmark, Sweden and Norway are not GDPR compliant, setting at least one non-necessary cookie without user consent. Sweden ranks highest with an average of 26 non-necessary cookies set. In total 89% of the most popular online pharmacies in the EU do not meet GDPR requirements.

Pharmacy webshops constantly process personal data of their visitors, while selling privacy-sensitive products such as antidepressants, diabetes medicines or addiction treatments. Usercentrics scanned the 150 most-used pharmacy webstores in the EU, analyzing the extent to which website operators are complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The results:

  • 89% of the most popular online pharmacies do not meet GDPR requirements with regard to obtaining end-user consent before processing personal data through the use of cookies.
  • 55% of all non-necessary cookies were activated and in use on the website’s landing page without any user consent.
  • 62% of all cookies set without the user’s consent are third-party marketing cookies.

With consumers increasingly demanding enhanced data privacy from companies, these results are particularly worrying for a privacy-sensitive sector.

Breaking consumer trust, risking damage to brand reputation and breaching core requirements of the GDPR, the pharma e-commerce market in Europe – poised to grow by almost 9.5 billion euros during 2020-2024 according to research from Technavio – paints a worrying picture of data privacy compliance failures.

Tilman Harmeling, Data expert of Usercentrics states: “Our deep scanning technology revealed major GDPR compliance failures across the privacy-sensitive online pharmacy industry and highlights the damaging effects on customer relations. In the years since the GDPR took effect, data privacy has evolved from an obscure legal requirement into a strong consumer demand and metric of brand reputation. Respecting end-user consent through transparent and compliant use of cookies and trackers, is therefore vital for online businesses wishing to build consumer trust.

Full report here.

About Usercentrics

Usercentrics is a global market leader for Consent Management Platforms (CMP). We enable businesses to collect, manage and document user consents on websites and apps to achieve compliance with global privacy regulations while facilitating high consent rates and building customer trust. Learn more at


Press contact:
Camilla Beaven and Hannah Sinz

Agentur Frau Wenk
Tel.: +49 40 3290 4738 0


Press contact:
Camilla Beaven and Hannah Sinz

Agentur Frau Wenk
Tel.: +49 40 3290 4738 0