Riemer & Braunstein Takes Major Step to Broaden West Coast Presence

Greg Carpenter and Carol Su join Mark Appelbaum in the firm’s California Office

BOSTON--()--Riemer & Braunstein LLP, a law firm specializing in the representation of financial institutions, life insurance companies, and debt funds in real estate and commercial transactions, today announced that Greg Carpenter and Carol Su have joined the firm’s Newport Beach, California office. This expansion is consistent with the firm’s strategic plan to broaden its geographic platform and enhance its ability to represent national and regional financial institutions. With Mark, Greg and Carol, Riemer & Braunstein has established itself as a dominant firm in California commercial finance.

Greg and Carol, who were previously colleagues of Mark Appelbaum, were partners at their prior firm and are experienced real estate finance practitioners, representing financial institutions in sophisticated real estate and finance transactions in California and nationally. Mark and Greg will be co-managing partners of the California office.

“I worked closely with Greg and Carol at our prior firm and have the highest regard for them personally and as practitioners,” said Mark Appelbaum. He added, “I could not have envisioned a better senior team in Newport Beach. The combination of personalities, skills and relationships will propel Riemer & Braunstein to the forefront of our practice in California and facilitate the growth of the Riemer & Braunstein brand nationally.”

“It is always a difficult decision to move between firms, but here the choice was clear. I have developed a high regard for the Riemer & Braunstein team and the remarkable business model and national platform the firm has developed. I am not aware of another firm anywhere in the country, large or small, that can field a team of real estate finance lawyers to match the range and depth of expertise or the sheer bandwidth that Riemer & Braunstein has built in this space. The firm is also a great cultural fit for Carol and me in its commitment to teamwork, exceptional client service and a solutions-based approach to getting deals done,” said Greg Carpenter. Greg added, “It is fantastic to be working with Mark again and I am thrilled to be a part of the growth that Riemer & Braunstein has planned. Mark, Carol and I could not be more excited to lead the way in California.”

Carpenter is a New York University School of Law graduate and has practiced law in Orange County for almost 20 years after stints in Louisiana and Virginia. Su is a graduate of the University of California Davis School of Law and has spent her entire legal career practicing in Southern California.

About Riemer & Braunstein LLP

Riemer & Braunstein LLP was established in Boston in 1933. It expanded to New York City in 2004, Chicago in 2006, Miami in 2019, and Newport Beach in 2021. The firm is best known for its commercial finance practice, most prominently including real estate finance, commercial lending, and loan restructuring.


Kevin J. Lyons, Esquire
Riemer & Braunstein LLP

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Kevin J. Lyons, Esquire
Riemer & Braunstein LLP