Now Available from Lucidea: Exciting Showcase Feature; Immersive Multimedia

VANCOUVER, British Columbia--()--Lucidea is the parent company to a full portfolio of market leading knowledge management, library automation, and museum and archives collections management software.

They’re pleased to announce the release of their innovative “Showcase” feature. This exciting enhancement enables archives, museum, and special library clients to offer curated content in a visual display with which users can interact—delivering an immersive experience that makes them want to know more.

Argus, ArchivEra, SydneyEnterprise, or GeniePlus client administrators can leverage this new feature to curate and showcase specific content or aspects of collections and then drive traffic further into the organization’s OPAC or Portal.

Create as many Showcases as you like with a compelling visual display, and include images from—and links to—items in your collection, plus outside resources such as YouTube videos or externally hosted audio files that will play within the Showcase.

Any Showcase can be either static or dynamic, e.g., highlighting an exhibit (static) or an evolving collection. Make changes in real time for continuous updating and offer persistent URLs that link to specific records within your OPAC. Your Showcase could represent a period in time (e.g., the Victorian era), a corporate timeline (e.g., acquisitions and growth), a practice-focused resource collection, Continuing Legal or Medical Education materials, describe an exhibit, or even document objects and architecture out in the field. The possibilities are endless.

Lucidea’s much anticipated Showcase feature is now available. Clients wishing to learn more and/or enable it should contact their Client Services Team.

About Lucidea:

Lucidea is the market leading developer of a full portfolio of knowledge management, library automation, and museums and archives collections management solutions. Their products include Argus and ArchivEra for museums and archives, and Inmagic Presto, PrestoWorks, DB/TextWorks, GeniePlus, and SydneyEnterprise for libraries and knowledge centers. Visit for more information, or call 604-278-6717.


Mark Maslowski
Marketing Manager