Quaker Lobby Applauds House Passage of Build Back Better Act

WASHINGTON--()--The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) applauds House passage of the Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5376) by a vote of 220-213 The bill, long supported by FCNL, now heads to the Senate where a close vote is expected. FCNL urges a quick vote on the bill as soon as is possible.

“The Build Back Better bill is a momentous step toward a society with equity, justice, and an earth restored. It continues the historic expansions of the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit which could cut child poverty nearly in half. It makes significant progress in reducing economic and racial and disparities throughout our country on issues affecting children and families that have not been addressed in decades,” said FCNL General Secretary Diane Randall.

“As Quakers, we believe in supporting people and lifting up their communities. That is the essence of seeing the Light of God in others. This bill does that and goes farther than any other legislation in recent history. Investing in society and our common well-being is an investment in our country’s and planet’s future. I urge the Senate to pass it immediately.”

The Build Back Better Act also brings to fruition several policies FCNL has been advocating for. This includes permanent full refundability for the Child Tax Credit, extending the Earned Income Tax Credit, universal pre-k for 3- and 4-year-olds, and an investment of roughly $150 billion in construction, rehabilitation, and improvement of more than 1 million affordable homes. The bill also includes important funding to reduce backlogs in the immigration system, provides thousands of visas for immigrants currently on waitlists, creates safeguards for our undocumented communities, and invests over half a trillion dollars in clean energy and addressing the climate crisis.

“We are so very close to securing permanent access to the Child Tax Credit for low-income families and struggling parents. We cannot miss this once-in-a-generation opportunity to lift millions of our children out of poverty,” said Amelia Kegan, FCNL’s domestic policy legislative director. “We did not get everything we were after. No one did. Much work remains for climate and immigration reform is still on the horizon, but now is the time to finally pass this bill and get this work done.”

To learn more, please visit www.fcnl.org.


Timothy J. McHugh
Friends Committee on National Legislation
media@fcnl.org; 202.903.2528


Timothy J. McHugh
Friends Committee on National Legislation
media@fcnl.org; 202.903.2528