More Than One in Three Britons Unsure or Considering Resigning From Job; Stress Leading Contributor

LifeWorks Mental Health Index™ indicates the older the employee, the more likely they are to consider resigning due to feeling a lack of appreciation

LONDON--()--LifeWorks, a leading provider of digital total wellbeing solutions, today released its monthly Mental Health Index™, revealing a negative mental-health score among Britons for the 18th consecutive month.

Key findings:

  • Overall mental-health score of -10.2 compared to the pre-pandemic benchmark, reaching its highest point since the inception of the index in April 2020.
  • In the latest survey, more than one in three Britons (38 per cent) reported that they are either considering or are unsure about leaving their current job. These groups also reported a mental-health score more than four times lower than those who are not considering leaving their job.
  • Twelve per cent of respondents are considering resigning from their position due to feeling underappreciated.
  • Thirty per cent of respondents experienced an increase in job stress in 2021 compared to 2020 and this group has a poorer mental-health score (-19.8) than those reporting the same (-5.0) or decreased stress (-10.7).

Parents and older employees more likely to resign from their job than younger demographics:

  • Older employees are feeling underappreciated in the workplace at a disproportionate rate. Twenty-six per cent of respondents between the ages of 40-69 cite lack of appreciation as the reason for considering resignation, compared to 19 per cent of those aged 20-39.
  • Conversely, among all respondents, those under 40 years old are 35 per cent more likely to consider resigning from their job than respondents over 50 years old.
  • Parents are nearly three times more likely than non-parents to report resigning during the pandemic.

Comments from managing director, United Kingdom and Europe, Philip Mullen
It has become clear throughout the pandemic that employee wellbeing is a key requirement which every organization needs to deliver on its bottom line. It is encouraging to see an improvement in Britons’ overall mental health, however, our research demonstrates that fostering a positive workplace culture is critical in retaining talent and driving business success. Employers must provide tangible resources and support to ensure every employee is set up for success across remote, on-site, or in hybrid environments.”

Many Britons have not been asked by their employer about working preferences, contributing to poorer mental health:

  • Close to half (48 per cent) of respondents report that their employer has not asked them about their working preferences for the post-pandemic workplace, and this group has the lowest mental-health score (-11.3).
  • Nearly one-third (31 per cent) of respondents report that their employer has asked them about their working preferences and this group has a mental-health score of -10.2.
  • Twenty-one per cent of respondents indicate that their work does not allow for much flexibility in working preferences, however, this group reported the highest mental-health score (-6.4) across all employees.
  • Managers are 50 per cent more likely than non-managers to report that their employer has asked about working preferences.

Comments from global leader and senior vice president, research and total wellbeing, Paula Allen
Feeling valued and appreciated are powerful needs at work. Employers should take note that providing this recognition is important at every stage of an employees’ career, including those who are in their mid or later careers. By regularly soliciting feedback and providing ongoing opportunities for employees to share their thoughts and constructive suggestions, employers can create an environment where everyone feels seen, heard and appreciated.”

The full United Kingdom LifeWorks Mental Health Index™ report can be found here. This month, the report includes additional insights on changes in mental strain and stress, preferences for the post-pandemic workplace environment, impact of salary on job satisfaction and more.

About the Mental Health Index
The monthly survey by LifeWorks was conducted through an online survey from September 2 to September 10, 2021, with 2,000 respondents in the United Kingdom. All respondents reside in the United Kingdom and were employed within the last six months. The data has been statistically weighted to ensure the regional and gender composition of the sample reflect this population. The Mental Health Index™ is published monthly, beginning April 2020, and compares against benchmark data collected in 2017, 2018, 2019.

About LifeWorks
LifeWorks is a world leader in providing digital and in-person solutions that support the total wellbeing of individuals. We deliver a personalized continuum of care that helps our clients improve the lives of their people and by doing so, improve their business.



Heather MacDonald

Angela Pinzon
Kaiser & Partners


Heather MacDonald

Angela Pinzon
Kaiser & Partners