91% Of Educators Agree That Access to Neurodiversity Inclusion Training Will Help Teachers Create a More Inclusive Learning Environment for Students

As Canadian educators approach the 2021/2022 school year, an independent survey by Sonderly spotlights a lack of preparedness to address learning gap for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

TORONTO--()--Today, Sonderly, Geneva Centre for Autism’s online educational and training platform for Autism and Mental Health resources, announced key findings from a Canadian survey, which evaluated educator perceptions on the need for access to resources and training materials to better assist students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The survey, conducted through SurveyMonkey of 790 participants consisting of educators across Canada, found that 91% of Canadian educators agree that access to neurodiversity inclusion training will help teachers create a more inclusive learning environment for students of all abilities.

The survey results reiterate concerns over the lack of training resources available to create inclusive classrooms that adhere to all learning styles. The findings also showcase priorities for the upcoming school year, including addressing the learning gap caused by the pandemic, and the need for exposure to Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) training.

A summary of the survey results can be found below:

  • Only 45% of educators feel they sufficiently understand ABA
  • 39% of educators agree that their main priority going into the 2021/2022 school year is addressing and closing the learning gaps brought on by the pandemic, with 38% agreeing that their main priority is ensuring increased mental health support is available to both teachers and students
  • 91% of educators agree that access to neurodiversity inclusion training will help teachers create a more inclusive learning environment for students
  • 43% of educators believe access to professional training for educators, including in-person and out-of-classroom teaching methods is important to combat future learning gaps among students
  • 64% of educators feel sufficiently prepared to teach students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

“The pandemic has disrupted how students with neurodiverse needs and Autism Spectrum Disorder learn,” says Bahar Miraftab, Director Marketing and Communication, Sonderly. “Based on the survey findings, there is a clear need and desire for access to materials that are specifically tailored to helping these students, and Sonderly is committed to addressing that and increasing accessibility. The results from our survey are eye-opening as it highlights the need to ensure educators are equipped with resources to help teach and engage students of all learning styles successfully. In today’s world, we have access to so many online resources but they can be difficult to navigate and comprehend; the material can be complex. It’s crucial to make educational resources not only available, but also easy to understand.”

Sonderly is on a mission to democratize the knowledge and skills that have typically only been accessible to clinical professionals. With a robust library of ABA courses and training materials, Sonderly’s programming combines theory, practice, and testing, while curating and decoding clinical research and presenting it in a user-friendly way. Sonderly delivers functional training while also providing the latest research findings and intervention techniques.

For more information about Sonderly and to access programming, click here.

About Sonderly

Sonderly is an online educational and training platform that provides Autism and Mental Health resources to parents and educators across Canada. A branch of the Geneva Centre for Autism, Sonderly is on a mission to democratize the knowledge and skills that have typically only been accessible to clinical professionals. Sonderly’s robust digital library of applied behaviour analysis-based (ABA) courses and training materials combines theory, practice, and testing, so that professionals can stay up to date on the most relevant and effective training available. Sonderly curates and decodes clinical research and presents it in a user-friendly way, taking training beyond awareness and effecting bigger change.


Media Contact:
Lindsay Silverberg
Talk Shop Media
On behalf of Sonderly


Media Contact:
Lindsay Silverberg
Talk Shop Media
On behalf of Sonderly