New Textbook, GaN Power Devices and Applications from Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) Now Available

GaN devices and applications, such as lidar, DC-DC conversion, motor drive, and low-cost satellites using gallium nitride FETs and ICs, form the focus of this book, GaN Power Devices and Applications.

GaN Power Devices and Applications – a new textbook from Efficient Power Conversion (Graphic: Business Wire)

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.--()--Efficient Power Conversion Corporation, the world’s leader in enhancement-mode gallium nitride on silicon (eGaN) power FETs and ICs, announces the publication of a valuable learning resource for professional engineers, systems designers, and electrical engineering students seeking the latest information on gallium nitride technology and applications.

Since the 2019 release of the 3rd edition textbook, GaN Transistors for Efficient Power Conversion, published by J. Wiley, there has been rapid adoption of GaN transistors and integrated circuits into a wide range of end-use applications such as robots, drones, Artificial Intelligence (AI) computers, AC adapters, autonomous vehicles, and even vacuum cleaners. This book, GaN Power Devices and Applications, provides an update on gallium nitride technology and applications by leading experts.

With contributions from nearly thirty industry and academic experts, and edited by Alex Lidow, this book starts with two years of new information on technology developments, design techniques, and reliability beginning right after the publication of the 3rd edition textbook. In a practical sense, this book includes detailed discussion and analysis of the latest examples of actual GaN usage in power supplies, lidar, motor drives, and low-cost satellite applications.

According to Alex Lidow, EPC’s co-founder and CEO, “The information contained in this new textbook will help users fully understand, by examples, the incredible contribution that GaN devices can make to innovative power systems. In addition, QR codes have been inserted at the beginning of each chapter of the book so that readers can link to the very latest information on GaN as it emerges.”

Price and Availability

GaN Power Devices and Applications is available for immediate delivery from Digi-Key and Amazon.

About EPC

EPC is the leader in enhancement-mode gallium nitride (eGaN®) based power management. eGaN FETs and integrated circuits provide performance many times greater than the best silicon power MOSFETs in applications such as DC-DC converters, remote sensing technology (lidar), motor drives for eMobility, robotics, and drones, and low-cost satellites.

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eGaN is a registered trademark of Efficient Power Conversion Corporation, Inc.


Renee Yawger 908.619.9678 e:

Release Summary

New Textbook, “GaN Power Devices and Applications” from Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) Now Available


Renee Yawger 908.619.9678 e: