Langley Company, WalkOn Plans, Brings Revolutionary Building Technology to the Lower Mainland


WalkOn Plans immerses you in your design so that you can experience it with a visual acuity that cannot be achieved by looking at the plan on paper. (Photo: Business Wire)

LANGLEY, British Columbia--()--WalkOn Plans brings new and innovative technology to the building industry by helping those involved in the building process walk through the project before construction begins. The company is the first to bring this technology to Canada.

WalkOn Plans brings blueprints to life by projecting them within their facility and allows clients to see each room in their architectural design at the real 1:1 size. This unique experience reduces potential costly post-construction changes, and gives greater oversight to both commercial and residential projects.

“At the end of 2019, I was talking with a couple of people that were building a house. They were having a tough time deciding on what plans to choose from their designer,” says Andrew Vanderwoerd, the Principal and Founder of WalkOn Plans. “They were making this huge decision based on a set of PDF plans, basically putting all their trust in someone else to make their dream house a reality. I thought to myself ‘there must be a better way!’”

WalkOn Plans caters to everyone involved in the building process, from families to architects to builders, to ensure every party is a part of the experience from drafting to completion.

WalkOn Plans is currently accepting new clients who are looking to fully visualize their building projects prior to construction. Please reach out to the media contact below with any questions or for more information.

About WalkOn Plans

Whether commercial or residential, a building project is a huge investment. You want the peace of mind that the final build will match the architectural designs. Imagine walking through your project before the build begins. Walkon Plans provides a wholly new visualization concept for homebuilders, architects, real estate agents, and everyone in between.


Media Contact
Mackenzie Mowat
(778) 779-0774

Release Summary

Langley company brings revolutionary building technology to the Lower Mainland


Media Contact
Mackenzie Mowat
(778) 779-0774