AGM – Amendments to attendance instructions and location


Chapel Down Group plc

(“Chapel Down” or the “Company” or the “Group”)


AGM – Amendments to attendance instructions and location

Chapel Down Group Plc announces that today given the current public heath instructions and regulations issued by the UK Government, we strongly urge all shareholders not to attend the Annual General Meeting at 10.00 a.m. on 29 June 2021 (“AGM”) and instead to vote using the proxy forms sent to them on 4 June 2021 with the Notice of Annual General Meeting.

To ensure a reliable internet connection, and, in accordance with article 46 of the Company’s articles of association, notice is hereby given that the place of the AGM shall be moved to Level 2 Civic Centre, Tannery Lane, Ashford, Kent TN23 1PL. The date, time and business to be considered at the AGM shall remain unchanged.

The Company wishes to hold an online event at the same time as the original AGM and registered shareholders will receive further details by post. Please note that this will not be a formal Annual General Meeting at which shareholders can vote electronically.

In accordance with current guidance regarding social contact and public gathering, shareholders will not be able to attend the AGM in person. The Company will ensure that the legal requirements to hold the AGM can be satisfied and that its format will be purely functional. The AGM will only comprise the formal votes without any business update. The Company's in person attendance at the AGM will be limited to satisfy the requirements for a quorum.

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Chapel Down Group plc

Frazer Thompson

Richard Woodhouse


Chief Executive

Finance Director

01580 763 033




finnCap Ltd

Simon Hicks

Tim Redfern


Corporate Finance


020 7220 0500


Category Code: NOA
Sequence Number: 739988
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20210623T143829+0100


Chapel Down Group plc


Chapel Down Group plc