CIRI Announces the 2021 Recipients for the Award for Excellence and the Belle Mulligan Award for Leadership in Investor Relations

Galina Meleger, Recipient of CIRI's 2021 Award for Leadership (Photo: Business Wire)

TORONTO--()--The Canadian Investor Relations Institute (CIRI), Canada’s national association representing investor relations professionals, is pleased to announce that Jerry Ormiston has been chosen as the 33rd recipient of the Award for Excellence in Investor Relations and Galina Meleger has been chosen as the 12th recipient of the Belle Mulligan Award for Leadership in Investor Relations. These individuals were honoured at CIRI’s 34th Annual Investor Relations Conference.

Award for Excellence in Investor Relations

The Award for Excellence in Investor Relations is given by CIRI to honour individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the investor relations profession and to the Institute.

Jerry Ormiston is a highly regarded investor relations professional, now consultant, who has made a significant contribution to CIRI and the issuer community. Over his many years as a CIRI member, he has been actively involved at both the Chapter and National level. Jerry was a member of the Ontario Chapter Executive holding roles on the Programming Committee, Membership Committee and Chapter President. He was also a member of the National Board; Vendor Committee; Editorial Board and the Issues Committee, where he continues to provide valuable insight and support.

Jerry began his investor relations career in 1995 at Allelix Biopharmaceuticals, the year he joined CIRI. Following this role, he was the Executive Director at Draxis Pharmaceuticals where he was responsible for investor relations. Here, he was a member of the company’s executive committee and reported directly to the CEO. Jerry remained in that role until the company was taken over in 2008 at which point he launched Ormiston & Associates, an independent consulting firm providing IR and communications services to small to mid-sized public companies.

“I am very pleased that CIRI has recognized Jerry with this honour. In my mind, he embodies who an Award of Excellence recipient should be.” said Eleanor Fritz, the recipient of the 2020 Award of Excellence.

“I want to express my sincere gratitude to CIRI and its members for this prestigious award. It is a privilege to be included in the group of special and talented people who have previously received this honour,“ said Jerry Ormiston, recipient of the 2021 Award for Excellence. “During my IR career, I have had the backing of excellent senior management teams, the professionals in the vendor community and most importantly the staff and members of CIRI. Throughout, CIRI has been there at my side, providing knowledge, guidance, resources and unflinching support. I am truly thankful for having had the opportunity to know, work with and become friends with so many of my CIRI colleagues.”

“I met Jerry in my early days in investor relations and have had the good fortune of working closely with him on issues advocacy over the last number of years,” said Yvette Lokker, President and CEO, CIRI. “He has been a constant force in the investor relations community throughout his career and a trusted advisor to many, myself included.”

Belle Mulligan Award for Leadership in Investor Relations

The Belle Mulligan Award for Leadership in Investor Relations is given by CIRI in honour of the late Belle Mulligan to recognize individuals who have shown singular leadership in one or more aspects of the practice of investor relations.

Belle Mulligan (1940-2009) will long be remembered as a leader and standard setter in the IR profession and as a founder of CIRI. Her passion for IR began through her association with NIRI in the early 1970s and in 1981, she joined a small cadre of IR leaders to help develop NIRI Canada, now CIRI. She served on both the CIRI and NIRI Boards and was cited by one analyst as “adding 10% to the valuation” of the senior gold mining company she represented. Her professionalism won her many admirers, and her engaging personality and generous heart won her a wide circle of friends. She was a mentor to many IROs, urging them to set their sights high within their organizations.

Galina Meleger is the Director of Investor Relations at Endeavour Silver. Prior to joining Endeavour Silver, Galina worked for Newmarket Gold and subsequently Kirkland Lake Gold where she was Director of Corporate Communications. Prior to that, she worked for KGHM in a communications role overseeing the North and South American division. From 2010 to 2015, Galina worked for Copper Mountain Mining, responsible for investor relations and corporate communications. She studied at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), completing a Business Diploma in Financial Management and is a licensed Corporate Social Responsibility practitioner.

“What caught CIRI’s attention, was Galina’s creative and innovative approach to investor relations,” said Yvette Lokker. “Not only did she educate the broader market on her company and industry through videos and podcasts, she developed a video outlining how she enhanced her IR program through the use of technology, complete with KPIs, as a demonstration for other IROs.”

With over 15 years of investor relations and corporate communications experience in the mining industry, Galina has worked closely with management to increase shareholder value, secure analyst coverage and implement effective communication to stakeholders. To do this, she leverages technology, including video and podcasts, as well as social media in educating stakeholders on the industry and business; delivering updates on the company; and reaching and engaging with shareholders. This has been particularly important and effective during the pandemic.

“It’s a tremendous honour and it means very much to me to be recognized by CIRI and by the investor relations community. The pandemic has changed the corporate communications landscape and resultingly, investor relations professionals have had to work hard to pivot their strategies to maximize outreach through digital avenues. The resources provided by CIRI have been very helpful during this time. I am truly grateful to be recognized amongst leaders in our industry.”

About CIRI

CIRI is a professional, not-for-profit association of executives responsible for communication between public corporations, investors and the financial community. CIRI contributes to the transparency and integrity of the Canadian capital markets by advancing the practice of investor relations, the professional competency of its members and the stature of the profession. With close to 500 members and four Chapters across the country, CIRI is the voice of IR in Canada. For further information, please visit


For further information:
Yvette Lokker
President & CEO
Canadian Investor Relations Institute
(416) 364-8200 ext. 101

Release Summary

CIRI announced Jerry Ormiston as the recipient of the Award for Excellence in IR & Galina Meleger as the recipient of the Award for Leadership in IR.


For further information:
Yvette Lokker
President & CEO
Canadian Investor Relations Institute
(416) 364-8200 ext. 101