Innovation, a Highlight in the 19th CIEP

SHENZHEN, China--()--Conference for the International Exchange of Professionals (CIEP), one of China’s biggest annual gatherings for talent exchanges, will be held in Shenzhen in late April.

Themed “innovation, development, cooperation and win-win”, the 19th CIEP, which will be presented through online and offline channels, features various forums, panels, exhibitions, and matching events. The conference is building itself into an interconnected, mutually beneficial and win-win international exchange and cooperation platform, an innovation achievements trading platform, and a global innovation and human resources communication platform.

Innovation is a key topic of this year’s CIEP, that is evident from the activities and resources allocated to the theme.

The Special Area for Exhibition and Transaction of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Achievements is dedicated to exhibiting innovative achievements of enterprises. Dozens of enterprises, startups, and small and medium-sized enterprises are to present their innovative products that fall into nine different categories. Smart healthcare, smart 3D, smart home, smart office, big data and AI technology, smart electronics, scientific and cultural creation, robot and biotechnology are all areas featured in the exhibition.

As China today is actively advocating building a community with a shared future for mankind and putting globalization at the heart of its development, global cooperation is highlighted in this year’s CIEP.

The Special Area for Transfer and Innovation Cooperation of International Technologies exhibits various channels through which technology advancement could be shared by humankind and innovation could be achieved through cooperation. Within the special zone is an area dedicated to the Belt and Road Initiative, through which China and other participating countries facilitated exchanges of talents and cultivated together technology professionals.

Other projects showcased in this zone highlight global cooperation of resources, enterprises and industries. Around 70 cross-border technology transferring institutions are to present their cases and project. More than 100 domestic and foreign innovative projects that fall into four major categories of AI and smart manufacturing; biotechnology and big health; energy conservation, environmental protection and green innovation; and new generation of information technology and smart transportation are ready to appeal to participants.

Global innovation and cooperation in science and technology fields and exchanges between international talents are topics of the annual Shenzhen Forum, which will kick off the 19th CIEP on April 24. Renowned global experts, outstanding scholars, representatives from institutions, think tanks and industries will discuss topics like international cooperation, scientific innovation, and pandemic prevention and control.

CIEP will also, as indicated in its name, serve its key role as an exchanging platform for talents, especially overseas talents.

Over the past two decades, CIEP has been a crucial window for foreign professionals to learn about China and the opportunities that lies on this vibrant land.

More than 35,000 foreign experts and students had been attracted to past CIEPs. Coming from more than 40 countries across the world, they are attracted by the potentials of China as presented by the conference.

Through CIEP, overseas talents find their future in China, a place for them to advance in lives and careers. They also bring to China innovative thoughts and ideas, thus facilitate the development of industries and fields in China and around the world.

The 11th Job Fair for Foreign Professionals will be held during the conference, attracting around 150 companies and more than 3000 well-paid job opportunities for global talents. Other events and services will take place along the way, helping professionals make career plans and learning about China’s opportunities.

This year’s CIEP will continue to share the “China’s opportunities” to companies, institutions and talents from China and beyond.


CIEP, Wang Chan,


CIEP, Wang Chan,