NCYMH National Mental Health Charity Reeling Amid Donations to Extend FREE Mental Health Counselling Online Every Wednesday Night for Children, Students Ages 13 to 35, Parents and Families

OTTAWA, Canada--()--The National Collaboration for Youth Mental Health, NCYMH is known for it’s multi-faith, diverse, inclusive SAFE environment which offers free counselling, student and family advocacy, pet therapy, art therapy, music therapy and walking therapy. Its ZERO tolerance for bullying policy became nationally known when an employee was terminated for cyber bullying in January.

Kamala Tiwari: “We serve over two million clients a year. Parents and youth know they can trust us because NCYMH is first and foremost committed to Safety and Inclusivity. There will never be any judgement of anyone at the National Collaboration for Youth Mental Health, only Acceptance and Support. Our decision to quickly terminate one staff member in January 2021 for bullying brought us closer because NCYMH responded with protection, compassion and integrity and we stayed true to NCYMH’s Zero Tolerance Bullying Policy. NCYMH is committed to Safe Spaces that support, include and accept ANYONE and EVERYONE. When team members or/and clients bully, we give counselling because the bully is obviously hurting and lashing out at others, but if it continues we terminate the staff or client.”

In the past few weeks the National Collaboration for Youth Mental Health has received an overwhelming amount of donations which has allowed it to extend its pet therapy program on Saturdays and now its Wednesday night counselling and mental health support groups for children, parents and families.

Maxine Adwella, consultant said, “ It is important that everyone get counselling early, immediately and when they need it. I believe that early counselling and Self Care can prevent more serious mental health challenges later on in life. Part of my role as a consultant to Kamala Tiwari, the Head of the National Collaboration for Youth Mental Health, NCYMH and her team members is to insure that this stellar and compassionate mental health organization finds the right people, builds the right team and continues to positively impact lives. I feel so blessed to be able to volunteer my support and skills whenever I can.”

The Wednesday night counselling groups have been attended by some individuals and families for many years stating that they have made good friends there, established a supportive network of people they trust and feel as if they are supported and belong to a Safe and Compassionate environment. NCYMH also provides advocacy when schools become a threatening &unwelcoming place for BIPOC families or families below a certain income level. Galia Bronfman states, NCYMH children, youth and families rely on us and need us to look out for their best interests, navigate for them and protect them. Our parents are from all different incomes and some parents living from Paycheque to Paycheque, as single parents, parents with various challenges, BIPOC educators and parents. Many of them have had experiences where they have not been given all of the information, documents or informed of changes in their children's education. As diverse and experienced educators and social workers, we provide the necessary expertise, insight and create bridges to positive resolutions which are right and create success for their children.

With the increase in levels of stress, anxiety and depression among children and youth during covid-19, NCYMH’s consistent Wednesday night counselling and mental health support groups provide opportunities for clients to meet other clients and create strong, positive and lasting bonds of support in a Safe, Stable and Supportive environment.

Allan Morgan, Board member responsible for Human Resources stated, “Let’s break the stigma. Because we all need counselling during Covid-19. We can all benefit from counselling and a positive environment with great people.

Children, youth, parents and families are grouped according to age groups, concerns and location for the online program set to launch its fifth year on March 24, 2021. REGISTER here 3 Mental Health Support Groups: Children/ Youth 13-30/Parents/Families Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite

For more questions contact or call 613 501 0171.


Galia Bronfman/Email: & 613-501-0171

Release Summary

National Mental Health Charity reeling amid donations to extend Wednesday counselling and mental health support groups for children, youth & families


Galia Bronfman/Email: & 613-501-0171