Pathwire Study Reveals Ways B2C Brands Are Missing Opportunities to Connect With Customers

New research from Pathwire, Mailgun and Mailjet’s new corporate brand formed to help brands bridge the communication gap, shows that one-third of consumers have dedicated email addresses for promotional emails

SAN ANTONIO--()--Pathwire, the leading provider of powerful email APIs and intuitive email marketing solutions, today released a new study, ‘The Path to Email Engagement in 2021,’ that provides valuable insights to email senders. Pathwire brings together Mailgun, the email delivery service for developers, and Mailjet, the all-in-one email marketing platform, under a new corporate brand.

As part of its public debut, Pathwire has published a research report that evaluates global consumers’ habits around checking their personal inbox and how they interact with the emails they receive from B2C brands. The research reveals consumers’ strong desire for more connection with the brands they love and that email is still an incredibly predominant form of communication.

More than one-quarter (25.4%) of respondents check their personal email more than five times a day, and the majority of users (53.4%) look at unread messages from newest to oldest. The study also uncovers that the top reasons for subscribing to an email list are to get a one-off discount and to regularly receive special offers.

Consumers want stronger connections with the brands they love

Across the board, consumers are looking to establish deeper, more frequent connections to businesses, with social and email as the preferred channels. Nearly 80% of consumers want to hear from companies at least once a week.

However, nearly 20% of Americans receive more than 50 emails to their personal email addresses a day. So how can businesses stand out in these crowded inboxes and achieve those desired connections?

“Even as inboxes are getting more cluttered, we’re seeing a strong need for personal connection between consumer and brand, which could be a sign of these isolated, socially-distanced times,” said Nicole Jacobson, VP of Marketing, Pathwire. “Discounts may compel people to sign up for an email, but personalized content and a sender they identify with is what drives them to open and remain engaged over time.”

The path to creating connected experiences around the world

Businesses are vying to reach customers at precisely the right time to increase engagement with their audience, and new technology provides an opportunity for brands to expand their reach.

“The new Pathwire brand reiterates our commitment to innovative deliverability solutions that drive more email engagement,” said Will Conway, CEO of Pathwire. “The new name reflects the company’s mission to help businesses build connected, engaging experiences through their communication channels, and we are incredibly excited about this new chapter in our team’s journey.”

“Pathwire” is a representation of the energy and momentum with which its technology connects people and the brands they love. The new brand arrives just over a year after Mailgun’s acquisition of Mailjet in October 2019.

Pathwire will offer the Mailgun Email API and Mailjet Email Marketing platforms as separate products alongside an ever-growing suite of deliverability offerings and new products planned for 2021 that expand the solution set beyond email.

To learn more about Pathwire and access the research report on ‘The Path to Email Engagement in 2021,’ visit

About Pathwire

Pathwire empowers 400,000 companies around the world to solve complex communication problems. Through its powerful email API and intuitive email marketing solutions, Pathwire delivers over 250 billion emails a year for companies like DHL, Wikipedia, Toast, Lyft, and Microsoft. The company provides reliable, cloud-native infrastructure, local expertise, and smart solutions based on machine learning so companies can more easily reach their customers and build connected experiences. Pathwire has offices worldwide including in the UK, Spain, France, Germany, and the US. For more information, please visit


Touchdown PR for Pathwire
Alyssa Pallotti

Release Summary

Pathwire today released a new study The Path to Email Engagement in 2021.


Touchdown PR for Pathwire
Alyssa Pallotti