MLA Must Apologize for Suggesting Unions Want to Harvest Human Organs - CUPE

CALGARY, Alberta--()--UCP MLA Tany Yao needs to apologize and withdraw remarks made in the Alberta Legislature suggesting labour groups support harvesting human organs from prisoners and countries that practice such loathsome acts.

CUPE Alberta President Rory Gill made the call on Twitter for Yao to apologize after the Fort McMurray MLA made a members statement claiming “our labour groups aspire to be a country that has been criticized for harvesting organs from prisoners for their population.”

Unions like CUPE have been and are champions of human rights,” said Gill.

The UCP has a sad history of these kinds of comments. They’ve compared the Ukrainian famine to the carbon tax. They’ve said marijuana leads to communism.”

These comments do nothing for the tenor of Alberta politics.”

Mr. Yao – we have disagreed with you on many issues. We dislike your government. We oppose your attempts to lessen workers’ rights. We oppose your cuts to health care and education. We think your government is asleep at the switch handling COVID. We think your leader has a poor relationship with the truth.”

But we’ve never accused any member of the UCP of engaging in something as loathsome as human organ harvesting.”

Gill finished by telling Yao to “Be better. Admit your mistake. Withdraw the comment and we will all move on.”



Lou Arab
Communications Representative


Lou Arab
Communications Representative