BlackNorth Initiative Applauds Recognition of Systemic Racism in Speech from the Throne- Commitment to Measurable Improvement in Lives of Racialized Canadians a Moral Imperative

TORONTO--()--The BlackNorth Initiative welcomed the acknowledgement by the Government of Canada, via the Speech from the Throne that more needs to be done to combat systemic racism felt by racialized communities and Indigenous peoples.

“Increasing diversity within the ranks of the public service, combatting hate speech and pledging to address inequities in the criminal justice system is welcome news,” said Dahabo Ahmed-Omer, Executive Director of the BlackNorth Initiative. “As we have always said, government cannot dismantle systemic racism alone. The efforts of both the private and public sector are critical to these efforts – forming a natural partnership that must produce meaningful results for racialized communities. We look forward to working with the Government of Canada to establish and sustain an overarching plan with measurable targets to achieve these goals.”

The BlackNorth Initiative’s CEO Pledge was designed to use a business-first approach to dismantle anti-Black systemic racism in Canada through meaningful and aggressive targets in their respective organizations. To date, 336 Canadian CEOs have now officially signed the BlackNorth Initiative pledge, including over 100 since the July launch of the BlackNorth Initiative. On September 30, the BlackNorth Initiative will host their inaugural virtual Quebec summit, where all signatories of the CEO pledge are invited to attend.


Donate to the BlackNorth Initiative to help support the development of programs and initiatives to remove anti-Black systemic barriers negatively affecting the lives of Black Canadians. To get involved or to volunteer your time, please contact


Led by The Canadian Council of Business Leaders Against Anti-Black Systemic Racism, The BlackNorth Initiative is a non-profit organization which mission is to end anti-Black systemic racism in Canada. It will do so throughout all aspects of our lives by utilizing a business first mindset.


Lisa Rossellat
H+K Strategies


Lisa Rossellat
H+K Strategies