Prop. 21 Backers File Money Laundering Complaint with FPPC Over Bundled Contributions to ‘No’ Side

Press Telecon. TODAY! – 1:00 pm PT - Friday, Sept. 18

FPPC complaint targets Blackstone Property Partners, L.P., a well-known real estate investment entity; Michael K. Hayde, CEO and chairman of Western National Group, which manages apartment communities throughout California, and Geoffrey Palmer, a Los Angeles real estate developer of rental apartments

The Prop. 21 campaign’s review of public reporting records suggest that the donors have committed serious violations of the Political Reform Act. “The nature of these violations has been to obscure the true source of money contributed to their campaigns: in short, money laundering.”

LOS ANGELES--()--The ‘Yes on 21’ campaign, a November California ballot measure which would allow cities to enact or expand rent control policies that limit rent increases, has filed a formal complaint with California’s Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) asserting possible money laundering violations against several questionable contributions from donors to the opposing ‘No on 21’ campaign.


PRESS TELECONFERENCE: Prop. 21 Backers File Money Laundering Complaint with FPPC Over Bundled Contributions to ‘No’ Side



Friday, September 18th 2020 1:00 pm PT


Teleconference Dial in information:

+1.877.411.9748 participant code #7134323



Michael Weinstein, President, AHF

Beverly Grossman Palmer, Partner, Strumwasser & Woocher LLP

Liza Brereton, Associate General Counsel, AHF



Ged Kenslea, AHF Dir. of Communications (323) 791-5526 cell

The Prop 21 campaign’s complaint, filed Friday with the FPPC and based on publicly available reporting and business records maintained by the State of California, asserts:

“Our review of these records reveals that the two primary opposition committees to Proposition 21, ‘No on Prop 21 - Californians to Protect Affordable Housing - a Coalition of Housing Advocates, Renters, Businesses, Taxpayers, and Veterans’ (FPPC ID 1426377) and ‘No On Prop 21: Californians For Responsible Housing, a Coalition of Seniors, Veterans, Affordable Housing Advocates, Labor & Social Justice Organizations, Sponsored by California Apartment Association’ (FPPC ID 1421884), have committed serious violations of the Political Reform Act. The nature of these violations has been to obscure the true source of money contributed to their campaigns: in short, money laundering.”

The complaint also asks the FPPC:

“Yes on 21 urges the FPPC to investigate these committees' and their donors’ reporting methods, because doing so will shine a light on these duplicitous practices and the way in which these activities have undercut the powerful political reporting requirements established by the Legislature and enforced by the FPPC.”

Proposition 21 is sponsored by Yes on 21 – Renters and Homeowners United to Keep Families in Their Homes, Sponsored by AIDS Healthcare Foundation. To learn more, visit and


Ged Kenslea, AHF Communications Dir.,  (323) 791-5526 cell


Release Summary

Prop. 21 Backers File Money Laundering Complaint with FPPC Over Bundled Contributions to ‘No’ Side; Press Telecon. TODAY – 1:00 pm PT - Fri, Sept 18


Ged Kenslea, AHF Communications Dir.,  (323) 791-5526 cell