VITALL Puts Patients’ Health Records in Their Pockets

Digital Health Service Provides Unprecedented Access to Complete Health Picture

TORONTO--()--Individuals are now able to access their full health picture and share it with their medical team, all from their smartphone. A patient’s historic health records are combined with real-time data from fitness and medical devices to provide the most complete informational view of a person’s health.

Vitall Intelligence Inc. (“VITALL”) empowers users in an unprecedented way, by making an individual’s total health history securely accessible on any smartphone or computer from anywhere in the world.

In a data driven age, a person’s medical data has remained surprisingly elusive. Physicians, patients, and caregivers have not had a complete health picture because medical records are stored in multiple locations, in disparate formats and on different electronic record management systems that are not connected and cannot easily share information.

Inspired by the goal to help people take control of their own health journey, Vitall Founder Don Simmonds, shares candidly about the importance of integrating real-time, shareable data that is as portable as a person’s cellphone. Simmonds knows the need, especially in emergency situations, in a real and personal way.

In August 2015, Fay, Don’s wife, Fay, experienced liver failure while out of the country creating a nearly fatal medical emergency. Fay was alone at the time of the incident and the emergency response transpired without access to any of her past medical history or data, unnecessarily jeopardizing her life. Ultimately, she received a life-saving living organ donor transplant at Toronto General Hospital, the gift of a new liver from their son.

“While I knew the records existed, they were not accessible at our point of need,” shares Don. We had marvelous specialists on both sides of the border, but no one knew her full health picture. It was paralyzing without the right information to properly advocate for her. We almost lost her more than once.”

Don Simmonds is a serial entrepreneur who has led many successful companies in the technology sector. “Having been part of disrupting historic norms with technology I was shocked that the medical data world was so behind and it turned out that our story was that of thousands of people.”

Parents caring for a sick child taking a binder to each hospital appointment. Businesspeople experiencing major medical events while abroad, completely isolated from their medical data and circle of care. Professional athletes, travelers and flight crews, snowbirds, people managing chronic illnesses – it is essential for medical information to be readily available when and where it is needed.

Simmonds partnered with health technology experts in Toronto and the Silicon Valley to create VITALL launched to the public in early 2020. “I wanted to create a technology solution that empowered health journeys for patients, while assisting their physicians, and caregivers. We can at least ease this one part of people’s darkest hours by putting their whole health picture in their hands."

Simmonds explains, “VITALL won’t just make people’s lives easier, it may literally save their lives.”

VITALL is the first interoperable technology of its kind. For more information, visit

About VITALL Intelligence:

VITALL is a patient-centered health care service that is revolutionizing the health technology sector by creating a platform to successfully acquire individuals’ health records, consolidating their medical history and integrating it with real-time data from fitness and medical devices, securely accessible on any smartphone or computer from anywhere in the world.


Kayleigh Gordon, Director, Client Experience
T: 416-633-8335 | E:


Kayleigh Gordon, Director, Client Experience
T: 416-633-8335 | E: