CAPCIL Receives SBB Research Group Grant to Help Those in Crisis

CHICAGO--()--The Community Action Partnership of Central Illinois (CAPCIL) has received an unrestricted $5,000 grant from SBB Research Group, a Chicago-area investment firm that recently launched a monthly grant program supporting impactful nonprofits during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Headquartered in Lincoln, Illinois, CAPCIL’s mission is “to empower persons with low income and the aged'' with numerous vital services to thousands of families across five counties. As an Essential Business under Governor Pritzker’s executive orders, the organization has continued to operate and serve the community throughout the public health crisis.

The agency’s efforts have been especially impactful during the pandemic. CAPCIL’s Meals on Wheels program delivers nutritious food to elderly individuals, a population that is particularly vulnerable to the virus. They also operate food pantry co-ops at different locations. In addition to its nutrition services, CAPCIL provides job-training and career-planning, wellness checks, emergency kits, medical transportation, and many other forms of life-changing assistance to low-income families.

Since CAPCIL’s largest annual fundraiser was canceled due to COVID-19, the organization has been deprived of much-needed funding and SBB Research Group’s donation couldn’t have come at a better time.

“We’re grateful to SBB Research Group for offering a financial opportunity to support vital programs and agencies during these challenging times,” said Breann Titus, CAPCIL’s Director of Agency Development.

“We’re proud to support CAPCIL at this critical time,” said Sam Barnett, Ph.D., SBB Research Group’s CEO. “Giving back to the community is an important value of our firm, and we’re pleased to know our support will be put to good use by CAPCIL’s team.”

For more information about CAPCIL:

Grants from SBB Research Group can be applied at: Any 501(c)(3) non-profit organization is encouraged to apply and grants are awarded to different organizations every month.

About SBB Research Group

Founded in 2010, SBB Research Group is an innovative Chicago-area investment management firm. Founder, CEO Sam Barnett, Ph.D., is an applied mathematician and neuroscientist specializing in quantitative predictions of complex systems, and COO and CCO Matt Aven provides expertise in economics and computer science. They lead an interdisciplinary team of researchers continually striving to optimize the protection and growth of investor capital. The company specializes in creating bespoke funds seeking both stability and long-term results through a systematic investment approach.


Katie Lach
SBB Research Group

Release Summary

Funds will support free meals, wellness checks, medical transportation, and other critical services to individuals and families in need.


Katie Lach
SBB Research Group