Social responsibility update


Altyn Plc

("Altyn" or the "Company")

Social responsibility update

One of Altyn’s most important functions is social responsibility and employee welfare including providing job stability to the local community. The Company today employs over 80% of the population of Glubokov district in East Kazakhstan region where Sekisovka and Teren-Sai deposits are located.

At present none of the employees has tested positive for COVID-19, due to the precautions and protective measures taken during the quarantine period. The Company is also pleased to report that here have been no reported incidents/occurences of accidents in the current year maintaining the Company's good safety record.

The Company has been providing substantial support for the social-economic development of the Sekisovskoye district as part of its commitments under the subsoil use contracts. Each year, the Company has been providing financial assistance to pensioners, children-communities, schools, and vulnerable social groups of the East Kazakhstan region, as well as assisting in the regeneration of the Sekisovka village and the creation of green spaces.

Altyn is planning to expand further the employment of local qualified personnel following the approval from the Ministry of Industry and Development of the Company’s new work program which will run until 2030.

Tax payments to the local budget and other mandatory payments exceeded KZT 1bn (USD2.5m) over the past year and KZT 500m (USD1.25m) so far in 2020, in addition to other payments on social insurance, medical and pension contributions for the employees of its affiliated companies.

Altyn remains committed to growing its business while actively participating in the social-economic development of the district.

Further Information:

For further information please contact:

Altyn Plc

Rajinder Basra

+44 (0) 207 932 2455

The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations (EU) No. 596/2014.

Information on the Company

Altyn Plc (LSE:ALTN) is an exploration and development company, which is listed on the main market segment of the London Stock Exchange.

To read more about Altyn Plc please visit our website

Category Code: MSCL
Sequence Number: 701661
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20200612T155159+0100


Altyn Plc


Altyn Plc