Fashwire Supports COVID-19 Relief Fund With FashGive Fridays

SEATTLE--()--Fashwire’s philanthropic arm, #FASHGIVE, is proudly partnering with #RetailersUnited to host FashGive Fridays in support of COVID-19 relief. This week’s 2-hour event will unite our community and feature DJ Whutever, interviews with iconic fashion designers and celebrities, and feature both inspiring and heartwarming stories from first responders.

In keeping with the mission of Fashwire, this global initiative will raise both awareness and needed funds for those in retail who have been immediately impacted by COVID-19. "The challenges facing the global fashion industry cannot be underestimated. Witnessing the deep effects this pandemic has had on our designers was the driver behind #FashGive Fridays." stated Fashwire CEO and Founder Kimberly Carney. “This initiative is core to our mission. While we stay true to our DNA of continuing to discover fashion everywhere, we are also leveraging our powerful global marketplace of designers for a worthy cause."

Fashwire will donate $1USD of every app download to #RetailersUnited, an industry wide organization COVID-19 relief fund to source and distribute PPE to those on the frontlines of the coronavirus crisis. “Kimberly Carney and Fashwire are true visionary leaders. There are many challenges for all of us right now and they are a true marketplace that is providing inspiration for all of us. #RetailersUnited is honored to partner with Fashwire to save jobs and save lives as we get PPE to the frontlines and help the retail industry get back on its feet,” said Deborah Weinswig, Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Coresight Research.

With an immediate reaction, the #RetailersUnited initiative was created connecting a group of key players across manufacturing, retail, the medical industry and tech. “Fashwire has always been on the cutting edge in the fashion industry with our technology partner Hooman Hamzeh, the CEO of DevelopingNow, and his team. Having the technology to be nimble has given us the opportunity to quickly and effectively partner with RetailersUnited.org,” stated Kimberly Carney.

Event Access and Information:
Watch the event at fashwire.com/fashgivefridays from 1PM-3PM PT/4PM-6PM ET
Donate During the Event Via PayPal
Live Chat Throughout Event

About Fashwire:

Fashwire is a global marketplace providing over 250 fashion designers from more than 30 countries vital insight into consumer buying patterns by providing instant, targeted user data and feedback on the popularity of current and future products. Fashwire is helping our partnering brands achieve full price sell-through by using Fashwire’s proprietary Data Insights Technology to deliver brands with real-time data and actionable insights to maximize product profitability. Fashwire, a disruptive force in the retail industry, is changing the manner in which consumers, designers, and retailers interact. In a rapidly changing retail marketplace, Fashwire offers a value proposition to every segment of the retail chain. Driven by its data insights technology and worldwide brands, Fashwire is primed to become a major global player in the digital transformation and consumer behavior sectors.

Important Note to Editors:

Please use any part of this announcement with our compliments and full permission. We require that you credit us as the source and convey our name as ‘Fashwire’. You may also direct your audience to the Fashwire app on the App Store and Google Play Store and to our website fashwire.com. We can be found @Fashwire on social media.


Kimberly Carney
Founder & CEO
Tel + 1 206 707 5775