Tikehau Capital Creates Its First European Long-Term Investment Fund in Partnership With Banca March in Spain Offering Private Markets Solutions on Energy Transition

PARIS & MADRID--()--Regulatory News:

Tikehau Capital (Paris:TKO), the alternative asset management and investment group, today announces the creation of its first European Long-Term Investment Fund (ELTIF) dedicated to Banca March private clients in Spain.

Banca March is the only 100% family owned Spanish bank, specialising in Private Banking, with close to a century of experience investing in the real economy, and more than 10 years co-investing in “real economy” projects alongside its clients.

This ELTIF fund dedicated to the energy transition will be targeting all Banca March clients, offering them access to private equity investment solutions focused on energy transition. This will replicate Tikehau Capital’s Energy Transition fund launched with Total SA in 2018 which offers a differentiated strategy, offering strong financial returns while accelerating the transition to a low-carbon economy.

The European ELTIF label was created in 2015 at the initiative of the European authorities and applies to Alternative Investment Funds (AIF) with the objective of providing long term financing solutions to the “real economy”. Complementing Tikehau Capital’s offer, it is designed to enable pan-European institutional and private investors, particularly savers, to invest in very long-term assets, including unlisted assets - among which private equity.

After Banca March’s deep analysis and approval to proceed with this new co-investment project alongside its clients, and following the successful partnership with Fideuram - Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking, Italy's largest private banking network - this is Tikehau Capital's second initiative specifically addressing private investors’ needs.

Carmen Alonso, Head of Iberia at Tikehau Capital, said: "We are pleased to partner up with one of the best reputed private banks in Spain, Banca March, with whom we share the same philosophy of co-investing alongside our clients and strong alignment of interests.”

Thomas Friedberger, Co-Chief Investment Officer and Chief Executive Officer of Tikehau Investment Management added: “We are proud that Banca March has decided to partner with us to satisfy its private clients’ demand for private equity investment supported by a strong ESG conviction. Driving energy transition through long-term initiative to create growth is a key focus for our company.”

Juan Antonio Roche, Head of Products Area at Banca March, said: “It is our pleasure to announce the partnership with Tikehau, a leading investor in Europe that shares with us a common understanding of servicing clients as much as the financial opportunity behind energy transition. We could not think of a better time to move ahead with the changes in progress, a world that after the COVID-19 will reinforce and accelerate the shift towards a more sustainable energy system. Tikehau Capital’s Energy Transition fund contributes with impact today while investing in already profitable companies that are active in this growing business.”

About Tikehau Capital:

Tikehau Capital is an asset management and investment group with €25.8 billion of assets under management and shareholder equity of €3.1 billion (as at 31 December 2019). The Group invests in various asset classes (private debt, real estate, private equity and capital markets strategies) including through its asset management subsidiaries on behalf of institutional and private investors. Controlled by its managers alongside leading institutional partners, Tikehau Capital employs more than 530 staff (at 31 December 2019) in its Paris, London, Amsterdam, Brussels, Luxembourg, Madrid, Milan, New York, Seoul, Singapore and Tokyo offices.

Tikehau Capital is listed on the regulated market of Euronext Paris. Compartment A (ISIN code: FR0013230612; Ticker: TKO.FP)


About Banca March:

Banca March is the parent company of one of the top financial groups in Spain and the only family-owned Spanish Bank. Focusing in private banking and corporate advisory services for businesses, family businesses and entrepreneurial families, its business model is based on prudence and long-term stakeholder relationships. The guiding principle behind the bank’s strategy is customer, employee and shareholder alignment of interests with a clear commitment to shared growth. Banca March emerged as Europe’s most solvent bank in the two stress tests undertaken by the European Banking Authority (EBA) in 2010 and 2011. It currently has the lowest NPL ratio in the Spanish financial sector and one of the highest solvency levels in Europe. Banca March’s robust business model has received recognition from Moody’s rating agency, which has upgraded the bank’s long-term debt rating to A3, one of the highest rating in the Spanish financial sector and a better rating than the Spanish sovereign debt, which is currently rated Baa1. Banca March is one of the main shareholders in Corporación Financiera Alba, which has significant shareholdings in Naturgy (indirect), Acerinox, Indra, Ebro Foods, BME, Viscofan, Euskaltel and Parques Reunidos, among other companies.



These funds are managed by TIKEHAU INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT SAS, a portfolio management company approved by the AMF since 19/01/2007 under number GP-0700000006.

This document is not an offer of securities for sale or investment advisory services. This document contains general information only and is not intended to represent general or specific investment advice. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results and targets are not guaranteed.

Certain statements and forecasted data are based on current expectations, current market and economic conditions, estimates, projections, opinions and beliefs of Tikehau Capital and/or its affiliates. Due to various risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such forward-looking statements or in any of the case studies or forecasts. All references to Tikehau Capital’s advisory activities in the US or with respect to US persons relates to Tikehau Capital North America.


Tikehau Capital Press:
Tikehau Capital : Valérie Sueur – +33 1 40 06 39 30
France - Image 7 : Florence Coupry – +33 1 53 70 74 70
UK - Finsbury: Arnaud Salla & Charles O’Brien – +44 207 251 3801

Tikehau Capital Shareholders and Investors:
Louis Igonet - +33 1 40 06 11 11

Banca March Press:
Isabel Lafont, Dir. Comunicación Externa - mlafont@bancamarch.es - Teléfono: 91 432 3109
Javier Canaves - frcanaves@bancamarch.es - Teléfono: 971 77 91 27
José Luis González - jlgonzalez@kreab.com


Tikehau Capital Press:
Tikehau Capital : Valérie Sueur – +33 1 40 06 39 30
France - Image 7 : Florence Coupry – +33 1 53 70 74 70
UK - Finsbury: Arnaud Salla & Charles O’Brien – +44 207 251 3801

Tikehau Capital Shareholders and Investors:
Louis Igonet - +33 1 40 06 11 11

Banca March Press:
Isabel Lafont, Dir. Comunicación Externa - mlafont@bancamarch.es - Teléfono: 91 432 3109
Javier Canaves - frcanaves@bancamarch.es - Teléfono: 971 77 91 27
José Luis González - jlgonzalez@kreab.com