To Fight COVID-19, Over a Quarter Million Website Owners Globally Are Donating Screen Space to Display the Corona Banner

To do their part in flattening the curve, over 250,000 website owners have added the Corona Banner which displays the five recommendations from the World Health Organization to their website visitors

PRINCETON, N.J.--()–As the virus expands its reach, businesses around the world are donating supplies, equipment, and funds to help frontline workers and those infected. However, “not every business can produce ventilators, masks or hand sanitizers. But every business has a website and can help flatten the #COVID19 curve. Love this idea” tweeted Saul Kaplan, Founder and Chief Catalyst at the Business Innovation Factory.

The world is dividing into those who are quick to adhere to recommendations that would flatten the curve and those who are slow to adhere. “While many adhere to the WHO recommendations after hearing them from traditional media, others wait to hear those recommendations reinforced from additional sources, such as small businesses, universities, and community organizations,” stated Bartosz Arendt, one of the engineers who volunteered to help develop the banner.

The banner can be added to websites by inserting one line of JavaScript code and will display in any browser on any computer or mobile device. It does not collect any website visitor information, does not use cookies, and was designed with the preservation of privacy as a foundational principle. Ray Wang, Principal Analyst, Founder & Chairman of Constellation Research, commented on the volunteer efforts to develop the banner stating “we all have an opportunity to improve public health and apply tech for good, this is a great example.”

Website owners should visit for more information.

Richie Etwaru, Chief Executive Officer of, the company that architected the banner, shared “this is an important time to retrofit the media distribution power of the Internet to transmit helpful information consistently.” Mr. Etwaru, who lives near New York, the new epicenter of the coronavirus, adds, “the number one priority right now is human life, this is one line of JavaScript code that could potentially save lives.”

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Sheli Gupta
President & Chief Operating Officer,


Sheli Gupta
President & Chief Operating Officer,