World Parkinson’s Day 2020: BIAL launches new campaign ‘Don’t let Parkinson’s stop you. Keep on moving’

Awareness raising film shows disease doesn’t define or confine people with Parkinson’s

PORTO, Portugal--()--BIAL Pharmaceuticals has created a new film for World Parkinson’s Day 2020 to dispel the stigma around Parkinson’s and show the amazing achievements, breadth and diversity of people living with the condition. The film, “Keep on moving”, is the latest part of a worldwide campaign, launched by BIAL four years ago. The campaign aims to increase awareness and knowledge of Parkinson's Disease and to inspire and empower millions of people living with Parkinson’s around the world.

Parkinson’s is a neurodegenerative disease that affects as many as 1.2 million people in Europe alone.1 As the disease progresses, everyday tasks such as bathing, dressing, eating, sleeping and even walking can become real challenges.2 The film aims to show that, despite this, Parkinson’s doesn’t need to define a person.

It features consecutive sets of people doing what they love, whether it be playing the guitar, drumming, drawing or cooking. One person in each set has Parkinson’s and one does not. The focus is on what makes people with Parkinson’s disease amazing rather than what makes them different. The hope is that by sharing these incredible stories it will help everyone to appreciate what people with Parkinson’s are capable of overcoming and inspire others to recognise that they are much more than their disease.

Rui Sobral, Head of BIAL’s Global Parkinson’s Department, comments: "Although Parkinson’s changes people’s lives, it’s important people don’t limit themselves or lose their self-esteem because of it. With this campaign we wanted to counter the negative portraits of people with Parkinson’s and show everyone what they can achieve. We hope the film encourages and empowers the millions of people living with Parkinson’s to never give up on pursuing their individual passions and ‘keep on moving’.”

Since 2017, BIAL has developed global campaigns associated with World Parkinson's Day to increase awareness of the disease and how it affects people directly and indirectly. The films, that have had more than 1,1 million views to date, also aim to depict how some of the limitations associated with the disease can be overcome with the understanding and support of all. Films include:

- 2020: Keep on moving
- 2019: Speak up for Parkinson's
- 2018: There's no right rhythm for life
- 2017: Me at my best

1. ICM Institute. Neurogenerative Diseases. Available at Accessed March 2020
2. Parkinson’s Foundation. Activities of Daily Living. Available at Accessed March 2020


About BIAL
Founded in 1924, BIAL's mission is to research, develop and provide therapeutic solutions within the area of health. In the last decades, BIAL has focused strategically on quality, innovation and internationalisation. BIAL is strongly committed to therapeutic innovation, investing more than 20% of its annual turnover into research and development within neurosciences and the cardiovascular system. The company expects to introduce new drugs on the market in the coming years, strengthening its international presence based on proprietary drugs and achieving its goal of supplying innovative products to patients worldwide. For more information on BIAL:

About Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson's disease is a chronic, progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterised by a strong reduction of the neurotransmitter dopamine, caused by the degeneration of certain neurons in the brain. Epidemiological evidence highlights a complex interaction between genetic vulnerability and environmental factors. The clinical manifestations usually appear after the age of 50 years (the average age of diagnosis is approximately 60 years). The prevalence of the disease is estimated at 300 per 100,000 inhabitants, increasing to 1 in 100 in the age group between 55 and 60 years. The European Parkinson's Disease Association (EPDA) estimates that approx. 1.2 million people suffer from this disease in the European Union. The diagnosis of Parkinson's disease is based on clinical observation and relies on three key elements: bradykinesia (slow movements), resting tremor, and rigidity (muscle stiffness). Of these, bradykinesia must be present, with at least either tremor or rigidity. Other common symptoms are postural instability, reduced facial expression and blinking, and a slouching posture. The disease progressively incapacitates patients, causing hindrance in their lives and daily activities.


Media Enquiries
Susana Vasconcelos
T. +351 229866100 | E.

Grainne Maguire
T: +44 (0) 7799380801 | E.


Media Enquiries
Susana Vasconcelos
T. +351 229866100 | E.

Grainne Maguire
T: +44 (0) 7799380801 | E.