Zycus Transforms the Source-to-Pay Landscape with BOTs powered by Zycus Merlin A.I. Suite

PRINCETON, N.J.--()--Zycus, a leading global provider of comprehensive and end-to-end Source-to-Pay software suite & a pioneer in utilizing A.I. technology across the Source-to-Pay suite, has successfully added to its roster of BOTs from its Zycus Merlin A.I. Suite, to allow Procurement and A.P. teams to automate mundane, repetitive tasks, using the latest A.I. and Machine Learning technology.

Zycus has 20+ years of A.I. legacy and experience. A.I. technology featured in the very first patent filed by Zycus in 2002. Zycus has taken the first step toward A.I. led intelligent procurement with its’ Zycus Merlin A.I. Suite, that will help in quickly scaling up the procurement process, using many pre-packaged Power and Assist BOTs. A.I. powered Zycus BOTs introduce cutting-edge technologies, making it a game-changer for Procurement and A.P. Operations.

Some expert BOTs from the Merlin A.I. Suite which is already being used by customers include:

  • Invoice Data Extraction BOT: Automates invoice intake and intelligently extracts key business fields including header and line-level data with accuracy
  • A.P. Smart Desk BOT: Sorts and classifies emails in A.P. mailbox using A.I. based intent recognition, the auto-fetches status of the invoices and auto-generates responses to supplier emails on payment and invoice queries
  • Contract Metadata Extraction BOT: Intelligently identifies, extracts and analyses contractual texts
  • Contract Risk Radar BOT: Auto-identifies clauses in the contract, benchmarks against the organization’s best practices, and highlights the review score at a contract level

Using the Merlin A.I. Suite, procurement teams can configure and launch intelligent BOTs to complete the most common procurement tasks with little or no human intervention, making transactions truly autonomous, with BOTs capable of making smart decisions with the use of A.I.

“Artificial intelligence capabilities are central to Zycus’ product roadmap and what makes Zycus’ A.I. legacy stand out is our deep understanding of the domain and significant focus and investment in people, process and technology, along with access to real customers’ data for training,” says Aatish Dedhia, CEO Zycus Inc.

To know more about Merlin A.I. Suite™, write to us at product.marketing@zycus.com.


Ankit Aggarwal – Product Marketing Lead – Zycus Inc