Utah Attorney General Sean D. Reyes Statement on Senator Romney’s Impeachment Conviction Decision

SALT LAKE CITY--()--Utah Attorney General Sean D. Reyes issued the following statement on Senator Romney’s decision to convict President Trump on First Article of impeachment initiated by a partisan U.S. House of Representatives:

“I am thrilled President Trump was acquitted on both counts, the Senate made the right decision. These were nothing more than Artifices of Impeachment. Imagine how much more good he will be empowered to do now that the proverbial curtains have been pulled back and the Wizard of Impeachment has been exposed.

“I am, however, disappointed in Senator Romney! His vote doesn’t represent over 90 percent of Utah Republicans who support President Trump. I can’t believe the Senator fell for the First Artifice of Impeachment. Not since cold fusion have Utahns seen something that promised so much and delivered so little as what the House rolled out.

“Neither the facts nor the law support impeachment. The President’s actions come nowhere near the line our Founding Fathers debated and carefully chose for removal. I am glad the Senate made the right decision and ended Nancy Pelosi’s impeachment witch hunt.”

ICYMI: see link HERE to “Friend of the Senate” letter signed by 21 AGs with Utah AG Reyes and Louisiana AG Jeff Landry as lead signatories stating that the House Democrats’ Articles of Impeachment are legally and factually flawed, inherently destructive of separation of powers, and contrary to the Framer’s vision of impeachment power.

For more information about Utah Attorney General Sean D. Reyes, visit www.seanreyes.com.


Lee Rech