Directorate change


Chapel Down Group plc

(“Chapel Down” or “the Company”)


Director Resignation

Chapel Down Group today announces the resignation of its Managing Director, Beers and Cider, Gareth Bath, who is leaving the Company to pursue other interests.

Gareth has been at the helm of Curious for the last two years and has overseen the build of the new brewery and the rebranding exercise.

Frazer Thompson, Chief Executive of Chapel Down Group plc said,

“We wish Gareth well in the future and thank him for his help over the last two years in creating this exciting brand. In the meantime, I will take control of the business in the interim as we build going forwards.”

Gareth Bath said “It’s been a very exciting journey over the last two years and I’d like to thank everyone at Chapel Down for the experience in building this amazing brand.”


Chapel Down Group plc

Frazer Thompson

Richard Woodhouse




Chief Executive

Finance Director




01580 763 033















finnCap Ltd

Christopher Raggett/Simon Hicks

Tim Redfern


Corporate Finance



020 7220 0500


The information communicated in this announcement contains inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014.

Category Code: BOA
Sequence Number: 689030
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20191220T175135+0000


Chapel Down Group plc


Chapel Down Group plc