Quaker Lobby Applauds Global Fragility Act Inclusion in FY20 Spending Bills

WASHINGTON--()--The Friends Committee on National Legislation praised the inclusion of the Global Fragility Act of 2019, unanimously passed by the House earlier this year, in the bipartisan federal funding package for fiscal 2020. The funding package deal is expected to be passed by Congress and signed into law shortly.

“As Quakers, we are always in search of peaceful, diplomatic solutions to conflicts around the world. We believe violence is not the answer and only worsens problems in the long run,” said Diane Randall, FCNL’s executive secretary. “This is why we are strong proponents of the Global Fragility Act. The best way to stop armed conflict worldwide is to make sure it does not begin in the first place. Preventing conflict is worth the investment.”

The Global Fragility Act of 2019 is designed to protect national security and limit the need for costly military interventions by addressing the root causes of violent conflict. To do this, it mandates the president, in coordination with the secretary of state, the administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, and the secretary of defense, establish a comprehensive, integrated, ten-year strategy addressing long-term causes of fragility and violence. The bill sets aside more than $1 billion over the next five years to help prevent and reduce conflict.

“To break the cycles of violence that are all too common in today’s world, we must strengthen the effectiveness and coordination of our programs that help remove injustice and resolve grievances. This is peacebuilding for the long term, not a quick fix,” said Ursala Knudsen-Latta, FCNL’s peacebuilding legislative representative. “With the passage of this bill, the Congress has shown a willingness to take early action to stave off conflict rather than waiting until it escalates into fighting and bloodshed.”

To learn more, please visit www.fcnl.org.


Timothy J. McHugh
Friends Committee on National Legislation
media@fcnl.org; 202-903-2515


Timothy J. McHugh
Friends Committee on National Legislation
media@fcnl.org; 202-903-2515