IKOULA: Gauvain Report & Cloud Act : The Importance of Choosing a European Cloud Provider


BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT, France--()--Following the entry into force of the Cloud Act, some concerns about data sovereignty have been – and still are – heard. But consequences of this law are still too often downplayed.

On June 26th, the French Member of Parliament Raphaël Gauvain presented to the Prime Minister a report entitled “Restoring the France & Europe sovereignty, and protecting our companies from laws and measures with extraterritorial scope”, which clearly sets outs the risks incurred by companies using US Cloud providers: “Today, companies do not have the legal tools to effectively defend themselves against extraterritorial legal actions, lead by competitors or by foreign authorities […].

Another alarming fact: « […] the prosecutions coming from Cloud Act appear to be economically motivated and the targets appear to be chosen on purpose. Important American companies are mostly spared from prosecution, and only large European and Asian companies - which compete directly with American companies – are targeted.”

On other words, as well as targeting a very wide range of offenses (the so-called “serious crime”), Cloud Act exposes European companies to a double risk:

- a financial risk: as Cloud Act is incompatible with the GDPR, companies are liable to a fine of 4% of their turnover in case of use of personal data.
- a loss of know-how risk for companies, everything without even being informed.

At IKOULA, ensuring total data sovereignty for our customers is extremely important and essential.

We will never repeat this enough, to protect their data and to guard against interference, it is vital for companies to opt for European service providers which have no ties with American laws.


Pioneer of the French Cloud since 1998, IKOULA owns its own Datacenters in France (Reims and Laon), as well as two subsidiaries in Spain and the Netherlands. Because Human Being is part of its DNA, IKOULA maintains a close relationship with its customers, and puts at their disposal reactive teams of experts, available 24/7, able to advise them and accompany them in their activities. IKOULA's teams are multilingual, in order to meet the internationalization challenges of all its customers, spread over more than 60 countries on 4 continents.



Laurane VASSOR ARCARO – +33 01 84 01 02 69

Agency :
Céline BERNARD - +33

Release Summary

Following the entry into force of the Cloud Act, some concerns about data sovereignty have been heard; consequences still too often downplayed



Laurane VASSOR ARCARO – +33 01 84 01 02 69

Agency :
Céline BERNARD - +33