Quaker Lobby Applauds House Passage of the Climate Bill, Urges More Action

WASHINGTON--()--The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) praised today’s House passage of the Climate Action Now Act (H.R.9). Passed 231-190, the legislation prevents any funding for removing the United States from the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. It also requires the administration to develop plans to meet its emission reduction goals under the agreement. The bill passed with unanimous Democratic support and included Republican votes.

“For years, we have known that climate change is real and driven by human activity. Its negative impacts are wreaking havoc globally and this will only get worse without sustained global action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” said Diane Randall, FCNL’s executive secretary. “It has been a decade since the Congress has voted on meaningful climate legislation. Thankfully, the House majority has seen fit to make the Climate Action Now Act a priority.”

The Climate Action Now Act prevents the Trump administration from moving the U.S. further out of the climate mainstream and abdicating our global climate leadership position. To this end, FCNL recently joined with 30 other national religious organization in sending a letter to Congress urging support for the bill.

“The Trump administration’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement was an irresponsible move that demonstrated an irrational unwillingness to work with the international community on the crucial issue of climate change,” said Emily Wirzba, FCNL’s sustainable energy and environment legislative representative. “The U.S. must take a leadership role in resolving the ongoing climate crisis and not retreat from our moral obligation to protect vulnerable communities around the world. While passing this bill is an important first step, we urge the House and the Senate to advance other substantial bipartisan climate solutions to reduce emissions.”

To learn more, please visit www.fcnl.org.


Timothy J. McHugh
Friends Committee on National Legislation
media@fcnl.org; 202-903-2515


Timothy J. McHugh
Friends Committee on National Legislation
media@fcnl.org; 202-903-2515